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Chief Engineer's Log - 030520

The battle is over and the Klingons have lost.  The only problem is convincing the Klingons.


After the futile attempt of the Klingon vessel to ram into the Lakota they suffered a cascade systems failure affecting everything, including their engineering safeties.  Their warp core was leaking radiation and it was only a matter of time before it ruptured, which would take the rest of the vessle with it.


We had to act fast.  Noticing their shields as well as ours were down Security quickly converted Cargo Bay 1 into a makeshift brig.  We could then beam the Klingons to our ship before they beamed over themselves as a boarding party.  I detected several armed disruptors during the beaming process and deactivated these.  Many of the Klingons, now our prisoners under heavy stun, had their ceremonial bladed weapons on them when we captured them.  This was of no concern.  They were quickly stunned and any weapons they had were removed.


When the Klingon vessel exploded we escaped any significant structural damage, but the shock wave wrecked havoc on our systems.  Just before loosing power I noticed our warp core was overheating.  The plasma coolant tanks do a decent job of cooling plasma so it can be safely expelled from the ship, but they do nothing to cool the warp core itself.  Left untreated this would have lead to a breech.  I had to crawl through a Jeffries tube to reach Main Engineering and shut the core down manually.  Once this was accomplished, and the engine given sufficient cooling time, I was able to restart the reactor and restore partial main power.  


With the turbolifts working I returned to the bridge where I learned Random and Garnoopy had successfully recovered their memories.  However, they remember differently then what everyone is observing.  Among other things they reported that the USS Lakota had been destroyed 7 years ago and we are now working with the Klingons aboard the Klingon ship in the Delta quadrant.  Nevertheless here we are aboard the Lakota in the Alpha quadrant.  


An ancestor of mine maintained that once you eliminate the impossible whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the truth.  The logic breaks down, however, when faced with two impossibilities that conflict with each other.  It is impossible for the USS Lakota to have been destroyed because here we are.  This means that the memories Garnoopy and Random recovered were from another reality, which is also impossible.  Nevertheless that is what they did.


As an engineer I consider myself well versed in temporal and quantum mechanics, but even I am at a loss to explain what is happening / has happened.  When my own memories are recovered I will either have some new light to shed, become even more confused, or...  something else.

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