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Tabor Nansk

Personal Log

Personal log – Ens. Tabor Nansk; USS Reaent



After my visit to the Quartermaster's office, I now have two prize possessions – A room to call my own, and the uniform of a starship! I'm in #1308, deck 13, room 8, Junior Officers' Quarters – with emphasis on junior. But I don't care, it's perfect and I'm home.



I tossed my bag in the closet and flopped on the bed. I think I've been up for what feels like 100 hours. Come to think of it, I don't have any assignments yet, so maybe I could take a good long nap! Yes, decorating can wait. Besides, after seeing the condition of the flight deck I get the feeling we're going to be putting in some pretty long hours real soon. Not that the repair crews haven't done some wonders – I heard about the condition of the ship when she arrived – but there's still a long way to go.



The best part is the fighters! They'll top anything the Academy had for trainers. I'm glad I put in all those hours flight testing the repaired birds at the maintenance yard. The variety of handling characteristics I've experienced is going to do me well here. I can't wait to get a fighter of my own!



End Log

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