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The Chief of Food and Flowers

Lieutenant Commander Brian Smith stared at his office computer. It had been five hours since he started the search for "floral arrangements." So far, he didn't think he'd come quite close to what the captain had asked for. Obviously, Smith understood that the Captain meant well when he assigned Brian the task, albeit the unorthodox delivery.


Debbie hurried along the corridor toward Brian's office. She'd wanted to touch base with him right after leaving the bridge but, as usual, things didn't work out. She was still in shock over the Captain ordering Brian and his lone botanist to provide all the flowers for the wedding. Of all the people.....


There was no way Deb would interfere with the Captain's orders. On the other hand, he'd assumed the wedding would take place in one of the ship's lounges. Debbie wanted to let Brian know she and Aidan would marry in the Ridire ancestral castle courtesy of the holodeck.


She arrived at the office, knocked once and then walked in. "Well, Brian," she said, shaking her head. "There is one thing I'll give you. Your timing is impeccable."


Brian smiled. "I was just going to ask him if he wanted to split the cost of a wedding gift. You know how expensive quality gifts are these days."


"Split the cost of a gift?" chuckled Debbie as she sat down across from the Chief Science Officer. "So, not only do you have impeccable timing, you're cheap too!"


"It's okay, I'd rather use what's left to pay for the flowers." He handed her a PADD. "I hope you like red. These flowers from Vulcan are the best thing I can get you on such short notice. Of course, I hope you-know-who is happy with them."


The T'linn flower from Vulcan was Smith's best option. It was a small, but beautiful plant. It also had an extremely fast gestation rate. Using the facilities in Reaent's botany lab, the whole observation lounge would be filled with bright red flowers in no time.


"I've already got what's left of Engineering working on the observation lounge," he continued. "It'll be nice."


The CMO glanced at the PADD and then grinned at Brian. "You can pull those engineers out of the observation lounge. When the Captain issued his orders, he didn't know Aidan and I had already made arrangements to use one of the holodecks for the wedding and the reception." She paused for a moment to allow Brian to digest this new information. "The Ridire family holds title to an ancient castle in Ireland. We're hoping to re-create the castle for both the wedding and the reception." She smiled coyly. "Of course, that means we'll need a stable power supply to the holodeck...for at least twelve hours, preferably twenty-four. Perhaps you could arrange for the engineers to work on that little problem."


Brian was surprised and intrigued at the same time. "A castle? Wow. That sounds exciting. And it's perfect! Red goes great with the colors of a castle. Well...I guess. I've had people tell me before that I'm slightly color blind. It runs in the family."


Deb again looked at the PADD, paying close attention to the small picture of a lovely red flower from Vulcan. Although it was beautiful, it wasn't quite what Debbie envisioned for her wedding. She grinned mischievously as she sat the PADD back on Brian's desk. "About those flowers.....I was thinking more along these lines."


With that, she pulled a photo out of her pocket and slid it across the desk. She watched, somewhat bemused, as Brian looked at the elaborate garlands and dazzling arrangements featured in the picture. The flowers were light pink roses with giant antique white and green hydrangea and Casa Blanca lilies. There wasn't a single "red" petal among them. She couldn't help laughing at Brian's expression. The poor man looked like he'd been sentenced to death by firing squad.


"Don't look so glum," she teased. Glancing around the room as though someone might be eavesdropping, Deb leaned forward slightly and whispered. "I know exactly where to get them. What's more, these guys will not only deliver them, they'll arrange them and set up everything." She leaned back in her chair and smiled. "It's all set up. But you have to place the order. Wouldn't want to get you into trouble with the Captain. The thing is, you need to contact them today. Otherwise, they won't be able to get out here in time."


"Sounds easy enough. Just let me have the details and I'll get right on it," Brian replied. "There's not exactly a whole lot on my to do list. Now that Ensign Batami doesn't have to worry about flowers she can take care of recalibrating what's left of the sensors. That wipes the whole day clean. Now...about the chef..."


Deb took on a more serious expression. "Hmm...the chef....yes, our good Captain ordered you to find the best chef in the quadrant...or something like that." She looked at Brian intently. "Have you had any luck?"


"Are you kidding?" he snapped back. "I haven't had a second to breate, let alone worry about the chef. I figured the flowers were atleast a little mre important. But now that you're taking care of that...Unless you want some replicated Andorian cheese puffs...No."


"I didn't think so," laughed Deb. "But I may have a name for you." She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and carefully unfolded it before handing it to Brian. "The chef is David Levesque. He specializes in classical but unique events. He agrees that a wedding aboard a badly damaged starship docked at a shipyard in the middle of nowhere qualifies as....unique." She smiled proudly. "Actually, I think it was the castle that intrigued him. At any rate, he's already on his way."


She again leaned back in the chair, her smile broadening. "His references are there and the menu is on the back. Just show that to the Captain, tell him you've cleared it with the bride and groom and you should be off the hook." Deb's expression sobered considerably as she broached the next subject. "David is bringing his own team along with him. However, they'll need adequate facilities to prepare everything on that menu. And this is real food so they'll need a real kitchen....a big kitchen. Maybe those engineers could help out with that as well."


"Hmm..." Brian chuckled at what was about to come next. "Maybe we should use the Captain's quarters for that." He laughed. "I guess not. I can probably have engineering convert a science lab or two."


Deb laughed in spite of herself. "Oh you do that, Brian. And you'll be right there with Aaron's rookies scrubbing out the dueterium tanks."


"You're going to owe Aaron a lot after this wedding is over. We've now got his department searching for power for a holodeck AND converting a science lab into a makeshift kitchen. But...I'll see what I can do."


"It's just one day," replied Debbie with an innocent smirk. "We all know how resourceful you are. Why else would the Captain put you in charge of the flowers and the food." The CMO smiled at Brian. "I, for one, will be very grateful for your assistance. And I think it's safe to say the Commander will be grateful as well."


Ever since coming aboard, Matthews had been Smith's mentor. Even though she was marrying quite possibly the one person Smith felt distant with on the crew, Brian wanted to help make the day special. If nothing else, he hoped that it would help him get to know the softer side of Reaent's second-in-command.


Brian's expression changed when Deb brought up Aidan's name. She knew all to well he and Aidan had butted heads on more than one occasion. She'd never discussed Ridire with Brian. Under the circumstances, she doubted the CSCI would feel very comfortable expressing his "true" feelings about the Commander.


But she and Aidan had talked about Brian several times over the past couple of years. Deb was quite proud of Smith. She considered him a bright young man who had a great future in Starfleet. There was only oneproblem with Brian. He suffered periodic bouts of "foot in mouth" disease. That "condition" drove Aidan crazy. At the same time, Ridire knew how valuable the CSCI was and he was determined to push Brian...to keep him moving toward his full potential...and the Commander was prepared to push hard.


Debbie canted her head to one side and stared at Brian. "You haven't figured him out yet, have you?" she asked.


Brian sighed. "Honestly, I don't know. Before I took the job upstairs, we didn't really interact much, but now that I've spent most of my duty hours around him, I've realized how much he contributes to the crew. You picked a good one."


"But as for 'figuring him out'...I don't know. I think having the shared experience of the Cairo mission might have helped us move a little bit closer as of late, but I don't know if we'll ever be best friends. Sometimes we just don't...click. But, I'm beginning to figure him out. I sensed that he was going to pop the question soon."


"Lets just say this. I don't think your first child is going to be named Brian, but then again, on this ship...anything is possible."


Deb stared at the CSCI and then burst into laughter. "Do us both a favor," she said. "Don't say that to Aidan." She stood up and shook her heard. "I have great confidence in you, she continued more seriously. "I'm sure one day, you'll be the XO all the junior officers are trying to impress. But you have to get past the Commander first. Keep trying," she added with a grin. "sooner or later, you'll figure him out."


The CMO walked to the door then turned slightly and grinned at Brian as she took her leave. "And please keep me posted on the flowers and the food."

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