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Mission Summary

BluRox had asked Kania and Rian to her quarters for dinner. They both made it to her quarters not sure what to expect. After a few pleasantries, Blu began to explain the situation that now exists on the Ship. With Hastings Giving back Kania her Rank and statis, And with BLu giving Rian the field commission of the Rank of Captain, with herself as the CO of the ship and being Admiral, Things could get confusing. BluRox spoke about the options that they had.


Rian was given the option of taking command of a Star ship of her own, which she turned down. It was also noted that HQ, even though most of the charges have been dismissed, thinks Kania is not ready or able to take on a command of her own. This didn't bother Kania either. It was also discussed that Admiral BluRox retire. This option was put to rest before it went any further as not being a good idea.


It was decided that Kania would be given her rank and statis as XO back and Rian would retain her field promotion rank of Captain and remain as XO2. BluRox would also continue in her current roll as Commanding officer of the USS Republic.


Joy and Johnson decided to take the time on the station to see and interact with one of the holosuites. They came up with a few different ideas for programming and decided to go with a Peter Pan holodrama.


Jax and Will spoke of how they would be as parents and how they would be able to care for the baby. Then the discussion changed to their love for each other or the lack of. And Then the idea that they hadn't heard anything from Blu, Kania or Rian, since they went into Blus quarters. Will wondered if possibly they were drowning in Toast or something. This brought around thediscussion of Will and Jax being Co and XO respectfully. Will reminded Jax that with his record of phaser hits, he would not be allowed to become Captain of the ship.


Next week new orders will be brought to the USS Republic.

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