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Chief Engineer's Log

And the battle rages on...


Our CMO, Dr. Garnoopy, has a working theory as to what happened to our memories, and is working with Perfect on a cure.  Above the noise of battle I couldn't decipher all he said to the Acting Captain, but I did hear something about quantum signatures, implying there may be an engineering solution to this medical problem. For the time being, however, all of Engineering's resources are devoted to the battle.


Until the battle is completed one way or another there is little I can do to help research a cure.  This battle has taken a huge toll on both ships in terms of personnel, systems, and equipment.  This is unfortunate as I do not believe the Lakota acting alone has the means to affect repairs and deal with the memory loss.  


I suspect the Klingons are experiencing a memory loss similar to ours.  With the resources of both ships being depleted we will need to combine our efforts. Unfortunately our situation is like two schoolyard bullies who long ago forgot what they were fighting about, but have no choice but to continue so as to not loose face.  This is unfortunate, as the more resources the two ships loose due to battle the less likely it is we will be able to find a solution.


The weapons caches of both ships are just about depleted.  It is apparent neither side will gain an advantage using firepower alone. The first rule of diplomacy is to negotiate from a position of strength, and it is unclear who is the stronger.  We have made audio contact with them, but Narn's diplomatic efforts so far have been in vain.  The Klingon ship is continuing to fight, and have made an effort to steer in our direction, possibly to ram us.  If so they may gain the upper hand. The Vorcha class battle cruiser has a sturdier superstructure than the Galaxy class which is designed as an explorer.


We can not allow that to happen.  Nor can we afford to blow them out of the sky even if we still have the means to.  Our advantage, to the extent we still have one, is our superior computer and other infrastructure systems.  I must work on a solution that will end the battle while preserving what is left of both ships in the event diplomacy doesn't work.

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