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Mission Summary

The crew still finds itself on the deserted planet. All of a sudden there is a loud snap heard. When investigated it was found that a large tree limb had broken off and fallen hitting Dave Johnson in the head knocking him out.

He was tended to by Kawalas ans Will. He then came around and it was debeated on what had happened and why. Everyone finally split up and went off in different directions.


Rian called Ndak over to have a talk with him, Hans and Dave went off gathering more food supplies, Joy went back to just past the campfire, Dr Weber went back to the fire, and Lastly Will and Kania followed Jax who wanted to go for a walk.


On the USS Tampa BluRox, Hastings, and Ensign Jacobs where trying to get clearance for the large ship to enter the worm hole. When some prodding, BluRox was able to convince Hastings to approve the clearance. They went into the worm hole and found themselves in a suspended state. A voice was heard. "Maybe this is what they need." At that the 3 appeared in Jax and Wills hut.


Jax walked into the hut and was shocked to see the three there. She called out and all came running. Will thought it was a hallucination of some type. At least until Blu spoke to them.


Hasting quieted everyone so he could make an announcement. He apologized to all for the trial thing and explained why he was having a change of heart. He then told them all that he was replacing all of the ranks that had been taken away and then reported that he was returning the Command crew of BluRox and Kawalas/Ace to the USS Republic. They crew was shocked to hear all of this but excited.


All of a sudden the Republic crew found themselves back on the ship. It was noted that only 5 minutes had passed. They were all back in nice pressed clean uniforms.


BluRox Hastings, and Jacobs where once again on the USS Tampa. Blu gave the order for both ships to return to DS9.

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