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It was well after midnight. Debbie stopped by Sickbay to check on the third shift. She hadn't planned on staying but a few minutes....just long enough to make sure everyone was okay. She was concerned about her staff. They were overworked and over stressed yet they couldn't allow themselves to loose focus. There were lives at stake.


For one reason or another, Deb stepped into her office to take a quick look at the new padds waiting for her to review in the morning. She need up sitting down and perusing through a couple of them. She was concentrating on one of the files when she heard a light knock on the door. Looking up, she saw Kat Schawnsee standing just outside the office. The Security Chief looked like she hadn't slept in a week. But considering all she'd been through, Kat appeared to be in pretty good shape.


"Come on in," said Deb, motioning for Schawnsee to take a seat. "I bet I know why you're here."



Kat has a seat across from Dr Mathews as indicated. "Well Doc, the reason is two fold. I think it's about time I had my arm looked at. I injured it in one of the attacks on the ship but was to busy to have it properly taken care of." Kat holds her left arm a bit over the desk to allow Deb to see it clearly. This was the one that had been made up to make it look as if it had been badly burned. Merina had already repaired that part of it before.This time It was a pretty shade of dark purple and had a nice, half baseball sized swollen place just below the elbow. "I can still move so I don't think its broken but the swelling is getting worse, so I figured I'd better come on in. And while I was here, if you had time, could you give me back my normal eye color back as well as my hair color? I kinda want to get my old look back if I can, please?"


Debbie picked up a medkit off the floor by her desk then made her way over to where Kat was sitting. She sat down beside the Security Chief and stated scanning the injured arm. "I don't think I want to know how you did this," she said as she studied the data. "But it does look worse than it is." The CMO looked at Schawnsee as she stood up. "Come with me," she ordered, heading for the door. "There are no broken bones but that soft tissue damage often hurts even worse."


"I have to admit, Doc, it does hurt. Thanks for taking the time to look at it." Kat stands and makes her way toward the door.



Deb stepped aside to allow Kat to leave the office first. She fell into step beside her as they walked toward a nearby biobed that just happened to available. "We'll take care of that bruising and then we'll see what we can do about those other items. The eyes are easy but the hair may take about half an hour."



Kat sat on the biobed. "I think I have a half an hour if you do Doc. But don't feel you have to. I mean, I know you need rest also after all that has happened in the past few days. Medical has been even busier than Security." Kat watches the Doc as she moves away to get the instruments she needed to take care of things. As she returned, Kat smiled. "Doc, I can tell you one thing. You are the first Doctor that I have ever come to see on my own accord. In all my history in Star Fleet, I have had to be literally drug into Sickbay for treatment. There was one time they actually tied me to the biobed to keep me there. There's something different about you. I don't know what exactly, but there is something."


Kat laid back on the biobed and watched as the Doc began her work on the arm.



"Different?" chuckled Debbie as she dropped the equipment onto a small tray by the biobed. "I choose to accept that as a compliment," she said with a grin. She helped Kat slip her arm out of her uniform. "As far as your past is concerned, I'll bet those Sickbays didn't hand out lollipops. If they had, I'm sure you wouldn't have objected to stopping by whenever necessary."


Kat spoke up while Dr. Matthews was preparing her arm for treatment. "That would be what it was Doc, a compliment. Oh they had lollipops on the other vessels also. Many flavors. I think it is just the fact that you haven't hounded me to come in or force me to. It makes a big difference." She laid back and looked away before Deb began the actual treatment.



"Your a grown person, said Deb as she carefully sterilized the entire arm and then retrieved the small anabolic protoplase from the tray. "This will only take a few minutes," she said as she started the treatment. "Then we'll use Triptacederin for the pain. The first dose will be from the hypo but I'll send you home with a few tablets in case you need relief later on."


Kat just nods her approval but doesn't look at what's being done. She might have came in on her own but that didn't mean she was completely comfortable. She was still a bit leery of watching what was going on. "Thanks Doc."


The arm was still a little bruised when Debbie finished but that was to be expected. "The remaining bruises should disappear in a few hours," she said. "If they don't, come back and I'll hit them with the dermal regenerator. The protoplase has already healed the injuries to the soft tissue. But I would advise you to take it easy for a day or two...no strenuous work outs or anything like that."


"I kind of figured that one out already. I took myself off the patrol roster and the training session scheduled for tomorrow. I placed myself on Desk Duty, at least for a day or two," Kat says turning to look at the repaired arm.



Debbie smiled at Schawnsee. "Now, are you ready for the big fix?"


With a deep sigh, Kat settles back down on the biobed. "I'm about as ready as I ever will be, Doc. Let's get going."


Debbie called up the medical file detailing Kat's exact eye and hair color. This would assist in returning both to their proper shade. The actual color was still present in the eyes. It had been camouflaged for the away mission but the artificial color would remain in place until the antidote was administered.


The CMO picked up a small dropper bottle and gingerly lifted the lid of Kat's right eye. She carefully squeezed two drops of the clear liquid into the eye and then moved on to the left one. Within seconds, Schawnsee's dark brown eyes reappeared.


The hair involved a little more work. Deb really felt badly about Kat's hair. It had been necessary to cut it as well as change the color. She could return the hair to it's natural black but only time would be able to replace the long braids. Those braids were a cherished tradition among Schawnsee's people. Debbie wished there was a way she could wave a magic wand and have them reappear instantly. But, for now, all the CMO could do was make sure the color was as close to perfect as possible.


It was a simple procedure using a dry color that went on much like powder. The powder was actually beige. It was designed to cling to the individual strands and the color was activated by the natural oils in the hair. Kat's hair was very thick so Deb pulled on a pair of gloves and began rubbing in the powder, taking care to insure it was evenly distributed. After ten minutes, Schawnsee's hair was once again jet black.


Deb quickly ran a soft brush through Kat's hair to remove any loose powder. What remained was permanent. The only way to remove it was through new hair growth. Considering how long Kat's hair would probably grow, Deb suspected the artificial color would be around for quite awhile.


Debbie to a step back to survey her handiwork. She handed Kat a small mirror. "There you go," she said with a satisfied smile. "Almost as good as new. In a few months, you're own hair will grow in. In the meantime, nobody will know the current color is....artificial.


Kat gets up off the biobed and looks into the mirror. With a smile she says, "Thanks Doc. Its good to have my normal eye and hair color back. I can tell you someone else who will be thanking you as well. Mr. Angeliz wasn't happy when he saw the change. He reminded me all to well about our tribes thoughts about the changing of ones self. Matter of fact, I better let him know so he can contact our elders and tell them that I did return everything back to normal."


Deb reached into her lab coat pocket and pulled out a Tootsie Roll Pop. "Well don't run off without your lollipop," she replied with a grin. "And thanks for being such a cooperative patient. Remember to take it easy with that arm."


Kat smiled at Dr. Matthews again and headed for the exit.


Debbie stayed where she was and watched Kat as Kat walked across the room. The Security Chief's remarks about her tribe took the CMO by surprise. She folded her arms across her chest and stared at the Lieutenant Commander as she exited Sickbay. "Hmmm..." whispered Deb. "Mr. Angeliz? Now I wonder what that's all about?"

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