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Passing thoughts

Kania headed back to the area where her and Jax had found the rocks. When she got there, she sat on a big boulder for a moment wiping the tears from her eyes. What Will has said got to her. "Kawalas we don't leave family behind." This was the first time he had ever said anything like that to her. She had caught him one other time saying something like that but not to her face. She had always thought he didn't like her, and after all of this she was almost certain he hated her for it. When she had made the statement that she should have been left behind, it shocked her to hear his reply. She hoped he meant what he had said although she couldn't see where he wouldn't have.


"Will is right. This crew is like a big family. Family fight. The Prophets should take that into consideration," she says more to herself. She looked to the skies once more. "Dear Prophets, Please do not think I am questioning your actions, but this crew is working together. We are a big family. Families have their differences. We learn to work them out. If you have seen how this *family* worked together today, you saw everyone helping in any way they could. I beg of you to allow us to go home. This crew has earned it. Everyone is missing home. Some of us are getting discouraged about ever seeing loved ones again. I pray that Schawana is being taken care of." Kania at this point had tears running down her face. She couldn't help feeling bad when she thought of her baby girl. Every time she looked at Jax she wanted to cry but held it in. She could do so no more.


Kania wiped her eyes once more realizing she had been gone for a while. She didn't want folks thinking she was running off again. She quickly picked up another arm load of rocks and headed back to camp.

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