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Mission Summary

After last week little jaunt back to the ship and being aware of it, then being placed back on the planet, this upset the crew all over again. Everyone was trying to figure out who the "one" the Prophets where talking about. They began pointing fingers at eachother accusing each other of not working together. Will finally set up his authority and told everyone to stop with the finger pointing and to get busy doing something constructive. He himself went to begin to try to insulate the buildings with more branches and leaves.


Jax came up with making a stone fireplace in the building. One for warmth and also to heat the building for the winter months. Will told Kania to help her with whatever she needed. Kania and Jax went off to find rocks that would serve the purpose Jax needed. Kania began collecting, and Jax went back to camp and ordered Will to gather as well.


Dave and Hans were sent off to begin gathering more meat. Those two actually worked well together. They managed to bad a small deer and are in the process of bring it back to camp to process it.


Joy and Rian each had tasks to do of their own. Joy to do things that didn't require much energy so as she could be useful when needed. Rian ended up keeping Jax from hurting herself. Jax was digging in the dirt to begin the foundation for the rock fireplace. Rian intercepted and took over. Jax didnt need to be doing anything to over exert herself.

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