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Mission Summary

The Crew of the Republic is still on the unknown planet in an unknown place. They seem to be actually getting it together. Rian decided that they needed to have a meeting on what goals they wish to achieve. They needed to set something to keep everyone active to a degree.


Kania volunteered to gather everyone up and have them go to the fire for the meeting. She began with Jax and Will. She told them of the meeting and where to go for it. She then began looking for Hans and Dr Weber. Not seeing them she asked Jax to relay to the Captain that she was going searching for them. She started out for the woods.


Hans had been up near the lake and heard the gathering of people. He then joined them. Will and Hans where then set out to find out where Kania had gone. Rian was getting worried as it should not have taken her that long. Upon looking for Kania the first found Dr Weber. They soon found Kania as well.


Once everyone was back at the camp site safe and sound It was discussed about how to speak to the prophets. Kania came up with the idea and was instructed to try to speak to the Prophets while being alone as long as she didn't go far from the camp. She left and walked down towards the lake to try to speak to the prophets.

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