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Mission Summary

The Republic crew is actually starting to work together and not fighting amongst themselves near as much. Jax is still arguing with Will but more than likely that is do to the constant changing hormones with the pregnancy.


The group has found out that Hans knows how to cook, but he calls it barbecuing. He has prepared a wonderful meal for them. It was also discussed that some of the left over meat be dryed for them to keep for harder months when there may not be prey to hunt.


They have also done some research and testing on the plants on this planet as well and found that many resemble plants on other planets that have been used in ancient times to treat illness. One of which is a type of mint. Kania offered to go into the woods and harvest some of the mint for Jax.


BluRox is still with Hastings but their surroundings have changed. Now they find themselves back in time to when the Republics rescue teams had come for Kania. Blu saw someone who looked like Kania a crossed the commpond and then saw guards pulling Rian KWai to place her in the hot box. Hastings made a move to get her out of there and Blu followed. Both where hit from behind and knocked out.


Apollo and Dave continued their way up the river. Dave continued to preach to Apollo as Kania had until Apollo had enough. He took the paddle and hit Dave upside the head knocking him out of the boat. Dave made his way to shore and continued to lecture Apollo. He and Apollo exchanged a few words and Dave moved into the woods.

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