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Cmdr JFarrington

Real Science for Medical Personnel

Since viruses and other nasties seem to turn up on sims frequently, I'm passing this information along for medical personnel.




Researchers may be able to tinker with a single amino acid of an enzyme that helps viruses multiply to render them harmless, according to molecular biologists at Penn State who say the discovery could pave the way for a fast and cheap method of making vaccines. "We have successfully tested this technique with poliovirus," said Craig Cameron, the Paul Berg professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Penn State. "And we think it is applicable to most other viruses." Cameron and his colleagues, research associates Jamie Arnold and Christian Castro, have identified a key amino acid in the polymerase of poliovirus that controls the speed and accuracy with which the virus is able to multiply.


Read the full story at http://live.psu.edu/story/25574

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