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Cmdr Ridire

First Officer's Log:  History Redux

            Aidan stares up at the cliff before him as he tries burying his growing frustration as far down inside him as he can, knowing full well that unlike earlier he can't afford to go off on a tear even f it was emotionally justified.  He shifts his attention to the town that is arrayed below him.  The town that should be teeming with one thousand lives but now, like the Cairo, it seems to contain only a thousand souls.  His instincts are telling him that the answers to the mystery of the disappearance of this modern day Roanoke lies down there somewhere and yet the only clue found so far was firmly in the direction of the cliff.


      He stares up at the cliff as the rest of the Away team make their recommendations.  Finally he says "We'll split up.  I'll go around that side of the cliff and look for a path up.  Shamor, you take the other way.  Keep an open comm channel the entire time.  If we don't find a path up we'll have the ship do a site to site transport as that will be easier then climbing that thing.  Sivuk, you're with me."


      As Aidan turns and heads off he only hopes that while the cliff provides a clue...a modern day "Croatoan "carved in a tree, it doesn't turn him into a 24th century Governor John White doing so.

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