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Cmdr Ridire

Ghosts of the Past

Aidan narrows his eyes slightly as the Ferengi asks to be taken off planet. This is why Aidan doesn't like undercover missions. It always turned out to be a question of who to trust and who not to trust. And while he trusted the people he was with, Aidan was not foolish enough to be trusting of the people he's encountered on this wayward planet. Especially when, if what the Ferengi said was true, there had been and were currently Starfleet officers being held on this planet. And yet, for all he knew the Ferengi could be lying thorugh his little pointed teeth and could be attempting to lead them into a trap. If there were Starfleet officers being held captive on this planet Aidan was quite sure they'd like a half dozen more. Especially if it kept their little operation secret.


Still, if the Ferengi was on the up and up, and there were indeed Starfleet officers being held on the planet the Ferengi did deserve to be safeguarded for the risk he was taking. And if there were Starfleet officers, he was going to need the Ferengi in order to figure out a way to rescue them. From what Shamor had said, the compound he had been chased from was heavily guarded, the force field alone would make it a tough nut to crack. Unless there was a means to subvert the defenses, and the Ferengi might be able to provide that means.


Aidan sighs inwardly, part of him wishing that this mission had never occurred and that he was back on the Reaent, enjoying a quiet evening with Deb. There were ideas for the future that he was starting to think of, ideas that he'd like the chance to see through. And this mission, depending on what happened, could send those ideas crashing to the ground. But how could he look to the future when there were the ghosts of the past still calling him from their graves. Fiona's killers were out there, they were near..he could feel them. And he'd never be fully Deb's if Fiona's killers were allowed to slip away.


Finally he says to the Ferengi, "Very well, how long is it going to take you to get ready? And I want to know everything."

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