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USS Republic Simlog

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome USS Republic

Seiben -> evening

STSF_BluRox -> and good evening campers!

Simon St-Hilaire -> Nite all, good simm to the USS republic!

STSF_KBear -> ::ditches the white gloves and changes uniforms::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Thwapps Will::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Hi kids!

DaveJohnson -> Hello hello everyone

August Jax Robinson -> WOW.. I thwapped nothing :\

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::expects to get pelted with marshmellows any time now::

STSF_BluRox -> Has anyone come up with a name for our little campground yet?

August Jax Robinson -> Oh wait I did

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Camp Chaos

DaveJohnson -> Jax, you just twhapped will for no reason

Seiben -> Dave the Campsite.

Joy -> :: wonders if The Kid will be born with an extra strong thwapping arm... ::

DaveJohnson -> Yes I have thought of several names

August Jax Robinson -> HE is Will, that is all the reason I need... and look what he did to me!

DaveJohnson -> Camp Fortitude

DaveJohnson -> Camp Destiny

DaveJohnson -> Camp Intrepid

LtCmdrRobinson -> nononono FORT AWESOME

DaveJohnson -> Fort BluRox

Seiben -> Camp Summer Fun?

DaveJohnson -> Fort Republic

Joy -> Fort Itude?

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::eyes Dave:: You have a little brown on your nose.

miles_obrien -> Camp Joy?

STSF_BluRox -> Well, decide in sim

DaveJohnson -> That's all I came up with

August Jax Robinson -> camp crap

LtCmdrRobinson -> Fort Awesome is the name, cause Im the XO and Im bossy now

DaveJohnson -> LOL

Joy -> The Monistary of St Kania?

STSF_KBear -> lol

Fiona Weber -> .. camp?

STSF_BluRox -> Mission Breifing: Blu's still stuck with Admiral Hastings...and the crew is still stuck on the mystery planet

Fiona Weber -> ::is apparently lost::

STSF_BluRox -> <oh..someone reads her simlogs...lol

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Camp Iwannagohome.

Seiben -> rpf;

Seiben -> rofl

Joy -> Camp Grenada is a good old stand by....

Fiona Weber -> (lmao... I meant to, but I ran out of time.)

STSF_BluRox -> we'll fill you in during game

Seiben -> <and then the dog ate my homework...>

STSF_BluRox -> Begin sim

STSF_BluRox -> begin sim

STSF_BluRox -> begin sim

DaveJohnson -> ::sitting on a container fiddling with the phaser parts and the hypospray attempting to create a battery pack::

STSF_KBear -> ::Walking into the woods::

Joy -> :: Settles down at St Kania's Tree. ::

Joy -> :: conserving energy ::

Seiben -> ::gathers up some wood, kindling and lighters::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Joy, I could use your help

DaveJohnson -> ::takes his little project over to Joy::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> So ::sitting down next to Joy:: What's up?

Joy -> One moment, Dave. I'd like to speek with the captain for a bit.

Seiben -> ::starts to dig a little fire pit in an appropriate location::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Gulps down some water::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Oh.. ::to Rian:: My apologies

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads off to follow Kawalas before she gets into more trouble::

DaveJohnson -> ::Goes back to the container::

STSF_BluRox -> See's Hastings is sleeping, and quietly gets up to go use the head.....

Joy -> Hmm... Prophets. How many theories do you have as to how we got here?

Seiben -> :::counts the number of people again, and opts to make it a scootch bigger::

STSF_KBear -> ::walking deeper into the woods not watching where shes going::

August Jax Robinson -> <<Stay in there Blu!! tell him you have the runs he wont bug you again>>

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Lt Commander, do we happen to have some sort of pliable metal in the supplies?

STSF_BluRox -> ::thinking she'd be too lucky if he didnt' wake, she didnt' need him timing how long she took in there as well

STSF_BluRox -> <rofl Jax>

August Jax Robinson -> huh.. I donno.. I don't think so

Cdr Rian Kwai -> I haven't many. The "abducted by aliens' thing is a bit played out.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::yells out for Kawalas to wait up::

Joy -> Abducted, or saved by?

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Abducted. I didn't ask to be here. Did you?

August Jax Robinson -> <<BRB>>

STSF_KBear -> ::stops and turn to look to see whos yelling::

Fiona Weber -> ::makes way over to the conversing senior staff::

DaveJohnson -> ::uses a little metal spring and jiggles with the phaser controls inside of it::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::catches up:: Where are we going?

Joy -> Not anywhere near directly, no. Nor aloud.

Seiben -> THat should do..

DaveJohnson -> ::looking for the power cell::

Seiben -> ::dusts himself off and walks over to the other Senior Officers::

STSF_KBear -> I dont know where your going

Joy -> But I don't know that a hostile attitude is apt to get you all that far.

STSF_KBear -> ::turns and starts walking again::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::sighs and follows::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Would you characterize my attitude as hostile? ::raises a brow::

LtCmdrRobinson -> You cant just go running off like this. This is what got you in trouble last time.

Seiben -> :;looks at his chrono, wondering what time it is::

Fiona Weber -> ::smiles at Seiben:: Got an accurate time?

Joy -> Just a bit, in going firmly for 'abducted.'

Seiben -> No.. it's still set to GMY

Seiben -> GMT

STSF_KBear -> ::stops and turns back to Will:: What do yoiu care. You have my job thats all you want right? Im nothing anymore.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Oh you got me, this is what I was after all along, was your job. ::sarcastic::

Fiona Weber -> ::sighs:: So much good that does.

STSF_BluRox -> <sits back and reads a camping magazine that someone had left in the wall rack::

DaveJohnson -> RebbecaCohen>::walks over to Dave::

Seiben -> Moreover, where was Kawalas running of too?

Joy -> I think we have a task to do, or a test to pass. Working to get short and long term survival set is fine.

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: Any luck?

STSF_KBear -> You dont beleive what I have been telling you. No one does,

Cdr Rian Kwai -> A task? A test?

LtCmdrRobinson -> it seems to me that you want to have nothing. You just keep running off on your own.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((Read the article on posionous snakes and how to avoid them. Very intriguing))

Seiben -> Your mean the 'prophets'? I saw those dudes walking around the bridge

August Jax Robinson -> <<Bak>>

DaveJohnson -> ::to RebeccaCohen:: Not yet sweetie ::looks at the buildings on the hill:: Hmm...

Fiona Weber -> (And spiders.)

LtCmdrRobinson -> No, it has nothing to do with believing in Prophets or not. This was about setting up a camp, and making sure everyone is going to survive the night

Seiben -> Before we got abducted

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: What is it...?

Joy -> I suspect we are here for a reason. Kania is a believer. So am I. I know some of us here are not, and don't want to take The Prophets seriously.

DaveJohnson -> ::turns to Jax::

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns the page and some stupid ad card falls out and to the floor::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Tracks down Joy::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Lt Commander...provided I take my wife with me, permission to go investigate those buildings security went up to earlier...they may have overlooked something only an engineer would see

STSF_BluRox -> ::grumbles why even in this day and age, they put those subscription cards in magazines::

Joy -> I'd just like some thought given to first contact sort of things.

STSF_KBear -> Will you dont understand. Im doing the bidding of the Prophets.

STSF_KBear -> Im on trial for doing so.

August Jax Robinson -> ::waves hand:: fine fine go

LtCmdrRobinson -> And what is their bidding? To walk through the woods by yourself in random directions?

August Jax Robinson -> Umm joy, I have a few questions for you... power wise

Seiben -> ::sits on a rock next to Jax::

DaveJohnson -> ::to RebbecaCohen:: Come on sweetie

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: This one of your hunches

Fiona Weber -> ::She gave a sarcastic grunt, keeping quiet for now, just listening to the lovely sound of strife.::

STSF_KBear -> You know what IM talking about Will

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Who's to say it was the Bajorian Prophets. We don't have much in the way of proof. It could have been just as much any other alien issue. Like the Romulans. Who knows. What I'm worried about is more of how we're going to get out of here

Cdr Rian Kwai -> and sustain life until we can get out of here.

LtCmdrRobinson -> You want someone to listen, well here I am. Chasing you down again. Tell me why you think we are here. What do you think they want?

Joy -> :: Looks to Jax :: So does Dave. As soon as I'm done here, I'm on it, and we might soon done here. :: looks to Rian ::

Joy -> I think getting out of here will require a miracle.

Seiben -> I hope they just aren't "testing" us again, like those stupid Q.

Joy -> But that's not in Starfleet's mind set, is it?

August Jax Robinson -> I am an Engineer, Miracles are our department

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Depends on your defination of a mircle.

STSF_KBear -> We were brought here because .... auu heck nevermind you wouldnt beleive me anyway

Cdr Rian Kwai -> (miracle)

DaveJohnson -> ::to RebeccaCohen:: You know this really reminds me of upstate Massachusetts in summer

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::shakes his head:: Sounds to me like you dont want anyone to believe you.

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: Yes...except for the fact that well...it seems too perfect to be real

Joy -> Are you working on the subspace transmitter miracle, or the build a starship miracle? I'd recommend the first, but the power levels required make keeping me going look easy.

August Jax Robinson -> I am working on your power

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Look, Joy, you're a logical being. Correct?

Seiben -> ::Lays out on the rock::

STSF_KBear -> :turns to face him again:: FINE The prophets said that we are not Linear.

Joy -> And emotional as well, but yes. There is logic even in emotion.

DaveJohnson -> ::to RebeccaCohen:: Right over there, let's go into this one first

Cdr Rian Kwai -> So if you were in my position, responsible for all of these individuals, what would be the most logical thing for you to do first.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Linear? yeah I heard that back on the ship, but they wernt to clear with the details on what that meant.

Joy -> Short term survival. Good relations with any locals. Long term survival. Get home.

DaveJohnson -> ::enters the first building, the one with just one story::

STSF_KBear -> Thats just it Will your minds not open.

Fiona Weber -> (Kawalas & Co. -- you guys out in the open, or in one of the buildings?)

DaveJohnson -> ::calls out loudly Anyone here!!

STSF_KBear -> <<in the woods>>

STSF_BluRox -> @ :: reading an article on making gumbo in a dutch oven

STSF_KBear -> If you had an open mind it would occur to you

Seiben -> ::looks at the ongoing conversations with Will and KBear and Kwai and Joy::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Okay, so you see my point. The problem is, because of this tangent you've taking, I'm having a hard time seeing yours. What is it exactly do you want me to do?

LtCmdrRobinson -> My mind isnt open? I collect pieces of toast in evidence baggies. If anyones mind is wide open, its me.

Seiben -> ::with somewhat fascination:":

STSF_KBear -> All you all want to do is get away from hear. The Prophets put us here for a reason.

Seiben -> I could go for some toast right about now

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: Expecting someone?

Fiona Weber -> ::tagging along on the outskirts of the group, nods at Seiben::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTIONl: Will's toast was not sent to the planet with the crew

Seiben -> ::nods bacl::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Rebecca:: I am not sure what to expect

Seiben -> k

LtCmdrRobinson -> ( That right there proves that the Prophets are pure evil )

Joy -> Be open to the possibility that the Prophets count as locals, and may be key to getting home.

STSF_BluRox -> <rofl>

LtCmdrRobinson -> I havnt said word one about leaving. Ive been concerned with surviving.

DaveJohnson -> <<there is more to life than toast>>

Fiona Weber -> (... buttered toast?)

Joy -> I've no fast answers. We have been considering how to interface with energy beings for a long time.

DaveJohnson -> ::looking around for anything notable inside the first building::

STSF_BluRox -> <makes note to demote dave for that comment>

LtCmdrRobinson -> Getting things set up so our people can survive down here, how is that a bad thing?

Seiben -> <bagels??

Seiben -> >

August Jax Robinson -> <<French toast:>>

LtCmdrRobinson -> I am more then willing to find out why the prophets want us here.

Joy -> This is just the first time we've seen them as possibly interested in interfacing with us.

STSF_KBear -> THat in iteself is not. Others are looking at ways to get away from here.

STSF_KBear -> This entire groups need to be more linear for us to go home

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at joy::

STSF_BluRox -> @::turns page and reads:: Roughing it? Does having a shuttlecraft with you actually count as roughing it. ::sees the pool

Cdr Rian Kwai -> It makes so much easier when you get to the point. I'm open to discuss anything. However, our immediate goal is make sure that we can survive our environment or this discussion will be a moot point.

DaveJohnson -> <<toast is...toast>>

DaveJohnson -> << lol >>

LtCmdrRobinson -> Can't say for sure if that is possible to achieve. It aint easy convincing a group of over 400 people to all think the same, be the same.

Joy -> Good enough. Move supplies to the building. Short term survivability is not the problem.

Seiben -> Unless you're a Borg..

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Food. Water. Shelter. Fire. Sanitation. Basic needs first. Then we can sit and theorize as to why where here and how the heck we can go home.

STSF_BluRox -> with the shuttle parked next to it, and 2 campers with backpacks looking around from behind it

Joy -> But if they allowed me to continue working, they could have allowed the phasers to work too... or included a subspace disaster bouy in the supplies.

DaveJohnson -> ::to RebeccaCohen:: Nothing here but blankets

Joy -> Consider what they did and did not do.

DaveJohnson -> ::to RebeccaCohen:: Let's check out that two story building

Fiona Weber -> Hmm...

Seiben -> Fire and food we have and latrines are easy to make.. water though.. isn't far either?

LtCmdrRobinson -> What do you think we should do?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Lifts Joy's arm, looks::

Joy -> :: looks to Jax ::

Seiben -> ::looks to Jax and Joy::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: You can keep talking.. I am just looking

STSF_KBear -> Find a way for the rest to understand what Im saying is true

Cdr Rian Kwai -> August. What are you doing?

Fiona Weber -> ::looking at Jax::

August Jax Robinson -> Well not to be rude.. but where she plugs in

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well we aint gonna do that just the two of us out here in the woods. Lets head back to Fort Awesome and we can all figure this thing out.

Joy -> Just recharge a phaser power pack. I'll handle the installation.

DaveJohnson -> ::heads into the second building::

Seiben -> I don't know. Where's her Instruction Manual?

Joy -> :: 18% red ::

August Jax Robinson -> sadly I have never studied up on this

August Jax Robinson -> ::Thwapps hans::

Seiben -> Ow.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Um. why didn't you ask her. This is kind of an invasion of privacy. Would you like it someone camp and looked under your...well...um...

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::motions back in the other direction::

STSF_KBear -> Will everyone thinks I am nuts. Im not wanted there and I wouldnt be missed if I was eft behind. Even RIan is upset with me

Fiona Weber -> ::somehow, for some reason, she felt a little bit bad for the ... was it an embarrassed robot?::

August Jax Robinson -> arm.. go for it

LtCmdrRobinson -> Yeah and everyone think I am nuts all the time.

Seiben -> ::picks up a manual:: Congratulations on the purhcase of your 1989 Chevrolet Caprice...

DaveJohnson -> ::again calls out:: Anyone here!

STSF_BluRox -> <lol, geting more PM's than when I'm actualy busy in game..LOL

Seiben -> <heh>

LtCmdrRobinson -> I think its a prerequisite for joining the Republic, being crazy. Lets go be crazy together.

STSF_KBear -> <<Lol.>

STSF_BluRox -> ::hopes there are enough issues to get her to earth::

STSF_KBear -> ::sighs: Fine Ill go back. But dont be surprised If Im not addressed. in a kind manner.

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: Don't worry sweetheart, I don't think there is anyone else on this planet besides us

DaveJohnson -> ::to Rebecca:: Well...we don't know if thsi is even a planet

August Jax Robinson -> ::Lets go of Joy's arm::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Kawalas, welcome to my world. ::pats her on the back::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs::

Seiben -> Hmm

Joy -> :: If they can't figure out where a power pack might be inserted or removed from a humanoid shaped body, she isn't going to tell them. ::

STSF_KBear -> ::gives Will an Odd look:: ya

Fiona Weber -> ::clears throat, addresses Joy:: Is there anything I might be able to assist you with in this regard?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads back towards Fort Awesome::

STSF_KBear -> ::walks past him b ack towards the camp::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> <m>Welcome to Camp Wannaweep ::shakes her head::

August Jax Robinson -> << you really want to know where I think it goes?>>

Seiben -> ::walks with the doc::

Fiona Weber -> Normally I'm used to working with biologicals, but I might be inclined to help if you have use for me... ::smile::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::sighs:: Where's Robinson. ::stands up, dusting off her hands:: I want to get a statis report.

Joy -> Hmm... The question is how to rechage a power pack. Phasers include solar pannels for recharge. I might want mirrors or lenses to concentrate light to speed things up. That's as far as I've thought it through.

August Jax Robinson -> right here ::Smirks::

August Jax Robinson -> I have a thought about your power issue

Fiona Weber -> Do we have any of those things?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::pops back out of the woods behind Kawalas and heads back towards the group::

DaveJohnson -> ::heads upstairs slowly::

Joy -> :: looks to Jax ::

Seiben -> I'm sure we can procure lenses from people's eyeglasses and sunglasses, but getting a sufficient amount might be an issue

STSF_KBear -> ::walking back towards camp not with any haste::

Fiona Weber -> And they might need to be stronger than usual prescription...

August Jax Robinson -> I was thinking that I was stupid to try and build power to the generators then transfer it to your power cell.. I am going to try and adjust the solar panel. A small one so that is feeds right into you...

Seiben -> ::looks at his watch again::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::runs a hand through her hair, glancing at the sky, trying to gauge just how much daylight they would have left, then glances over to see Kania and Will strolling along as if they had daylight to burn::

Fiona Weber -> (Besides, doesn't everyone use that retinol or whatever it's called?)

Joy -> If you do not require me for heavy lifting, I would think people who can see might be more important than rapid recharge.

DaveJohnson -> ::to RebeccaCohen:: Look here, there are some primitive hand tools

Joy -> But if you have sand, you can get glass. Shaping it... trickier, but far easier than a subspace transmitter.

August Jax Robinson -> This way you will always be charging.

Seiben -> ::Shrugs:: That's what the grunts are for..

STSF_KBear -> ::Walks up to Rian n ot saying anything::

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: Think you could use them

DaveJohnson -> ::to Rebecca:: Pieces of them anyways

Joy -> All power would have to go in in parallel to the power cell, anyway.

STSF_KBear -> ::Walks up to Rian n ot saying anything::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((test?))

DaveJohnson -> ::to Rebecca:: Come on lets get them and get back to Joy, I have a feeling these will help

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::waves at Kwai:: Ma'am, I'd like to have Kawalas address the crew here on the "prophet" situation, as she seems best fitted to understand it.

STSF_KBear -> <<pass Rian

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::to Dave:: Right, ::gathers a few of the tools::

Joy -> If you think you will increase efficiency that way, fine.

DaveJohnson -> <<Do we have our com-badges still?>>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Joy:: you think my idea will work?

Fiona Weber -> I don't see any injured right now. I'll help any way I can.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Um, what happened to basic survival here? ::raises a brow::

STSF_KBear -> Thats only part of it Rian

Seiben -> ::nods:: I used to be an Engineer here, so I'll see what I can do too

DaveJohnson -> ::heads down the stairs, some farm tools in hand::

LtCmdrRobinson -> She feels there is a more important part of this whole situation, and I think we should at least hear her out.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Wouldnt be a good First Officer if I didnt listen to my crew, now would I?

STSF_KBear -> ::looks back to Will not beleiveing what shes hearing coming from his mouth::

Seiben -> Meanwhile, maybe I'll get started on a fire(s). Starting to get dark soon

Joy -> It could work, but I think a stationary recharger might be easier than a mobile unit. Let's see if we can get a solar array working at all, then consider if it can be mounted.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> I'm certainly willing to. But as I was trying to explain to Joy a few minutes ago, we need to get our selves situated properly first.

August Jax Robinson -> We can mount it on your head like a hat

Seiben -> Foam Dome!

DaveJohnson -> ::heads out of the building with Rebecca::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: I am SO kidding

Seiben -> :D

Fiona Weber -> ::cringes at that fashion faux pas::

Joy -> And I'd make it a habit to always face the sun?

DaveJohnson -> ::Heads down the hill waving at Joy, Jax & Hans::

Fiona Weber -> You'd be a sun-Joy.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Shelters are set, we have our food and water supplies. Thats the 3 basics.

Fiona Weber -> Even better than a sunflower.

LtCmdrRobinson -> The sooner we figure this out, the better.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Fire? Sanitation?

August Jax Robinson -> Solar panels work as long as there is sun, you don't need to face it. that is a comment mistake

LtCmdrRobinson -> luxuries, not survival necessaties

Fiona Weber -> And if it's rainy, you freeze like a little statue until it shines again.

Fiona Weber -> ::clearly amused by this idea::

Joy -> I've got some of my people looking at what grasses might contribute grain, and recipies for bread. They keep asking for a life form called 'yeast.'

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Excuse me? You ever drank contaminated water? It's a necessasity, trust me.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Lifts hand:: Captain the water filter system is up and running

Seiben -> I have fire under control...

Cdr Rian Kwai -> As well as we don't know how cold this environement will get.

Fiona Weber -> ::smirks:: Next you know... we'll be playing "capture the flag"

Seiben -> We're setting up fire pits and would lots of wood in the forest

Seiben -> would - found

LtCmdrRobinson -> We dont need to build a sophistcated system, believe me. All we need is for everyone to go way downstream and all is good. Common sense really.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Since when does this crew have any common sense? ::smirks::

DaveJohnson -> ::arrives at the small group::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Ma'am, look what we found

STSF_KBear -> See Will? I toold you ::turns to begin to walk away once again::

DaveJohnson -> ::puts down the farmer tools::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well you are correct on that.

August Jax Robinson -> Show the Captain Dave

DaveJohnson -> Rebecca>::does the same::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::grabs onto Kawalas:: Woah there.

STSF_KBear -> Let me GO!

LtCmdrRobinson -> you are NOT walking off into the woods to have a Pity-parade

DaveJohnson -> ::walks over to Kwai::

Fiona Weber -> ::looks at Kawalas and Will, sighs::

STSF_KBear -> ::smacks Wills Hand off her arm::

Seiben -> ::shrugs::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Kwai:: Captain, Rebecca & I have found something interesting inside the buildings

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::turns to Johnson:: Hold that thought for one moment.

Fiona Weber -> ::glances at Joy:: A moment and I'll return to that discussion. I think someone needs to rain a little bit on that pity-parade... ::catches up to Kawalas::

DaveJohnson -> ::Waits::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Kawalas, we will see to completing what the Captain wants done, and then you will speak your peace to the crew.

DaveJohnson -> RebeccaCohen>::follows Dave, tools in hand::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs::

STSF_KBear -> Will Im not having a pitty party. Just dont need to be here if Im not going to be listened too

LtCmdrRobinson -> But if you try to run off again, i will tie you to a tree for the remainder of our stay.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Kania. I'm willing to hear you out. We just have to make sure the crew is safe, secure and able to surive.

Fiona Weber -> ::holds off, trying to judge whether or not to involve herself::

Seiben -> ::watches from a distance::

STSF_BluRox -> :@quietly makes way back to the seating area::

August Jax Robinson -> let her go if she wants will.. we can't make her help the crew

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::wondering if he was this way to Kawalas when she was his first officer::

STSF_KBear -> Thats just it the crew is not in danger at least not yet.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::thinks he is getting an ulcer::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Knock it off. Quit running away. You're not doing yourself, or the rest of us any favors by acting this way. Buck up, and help us get settled, then we'll talk about the prophets.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Thinks she is hungrey::

DaveJohnson -> ::Waits his turn to speak with Kwai::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks for candy in the supplies while everyone yells::

Joy -> They have decided to put off the Prophets until after routine has established.

Joy -> I don't think we're going to change their minds.

STSF_BluRox -> @Hastings stirs a bit, so blue quickly shuts her eyes and pretends she's the one asleep so as not to talk to him

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::to himself:: I shoulda let Jax be XO, this is stressing me out.

Seiben -> ::reaches in his pocket for a granola bar, feeling hungary::

STSF_KBear -> Again put off ....

Seiben -> ::eats granola bar::

Joy -> I tried to shift them some, and have been over ridden.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Takes Hans' bar:: that looks good ::takes a bite::

Joy -> The sooner we set up shop, the sooner they will listen.

Fiona Weber -> ::nods::

Seiben -> It's honey and oats. ::takes another one from his pocket and eats it::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> You're a Starfleet officer, Kania. You should try acting like one. Help Will get us all settled so we can start our theological discussion. ::turns to Dave:: Now, what is it, Mr Johnson.

August Jax Robinson -> Commander Kawalus, We understand you want to work on the Profit thing.. but We need to have a place to stay before night fall

STSF_KBear -> Fine! what are you ordering me to do.. SIR!

August Jax Robinson -> or something comes to eat us

DaveJohnson -> ::to Kwai:: My wife and I found these in the buildings

Seiben -> Those shelter we found are the most logical choice

STSF_BluRox -> <wants to know why seiben has pockets full of granola bars when he was piloting..lol>

DaveJohnson -> ::holds up one of the tools::

Seiben -> <is prepared...>

LtCmdrRobinson -> Great, we need to build a fire, and you are now in charge of seeing that its done.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> That's very nice, Mr Johnson. Do you know how to use them?

Seiben -> <besides, piloting is hungary work ;) >

STSF_BluRox -> <pictures the kid with the gummy bears in Ferris Bueller's Day Off>

LtCmdrRobinson -> and I guess I get to go dig some latrines. So its fun all around.

Seiben -> <rofl>

Fiona Weber -> Have fun, Sir.

DaveJohnson -> ::to Kwai:: It may provide a clue to where we are, but more importantly we can use pieces of these tools to make weapons and perhaps as a knife to make some sort of power unit

STSF_KBear -> Fires. Fine!

DaveJohnson -> ::to Kwai:: We can cut apart the containers and make tubing...and a few other things

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