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Reorientation - 10305.07

The feeling of disorientation was like none Arphazad Lo'Ami had ever felt in.... he had no idea how long.  The past was gone, only the present consumed him.  He was in a blurry looking room.  No, that was his vision.  He heard voices, nondescript voices screaming at each other.  


Slowly, feelings began to return to the remainder of his body.  At this point, he realized two things.  The first was that the force of gravity was oddly absent.  The second was that he was pinned to a biobed anyway in restraints.


As his vision cleared, a picture of his surroundings came into being.  There was a Starfleet officer there... who?  Ensign... Hawkins, yes, Reese Hawkins of ... the department of... engineering.  Lo'Ami remembered him as if he were the last person he saw before .... before something.  "It will come back to me," he thought, dazed.  He was being called by the ensign.  He answered, in a low, broken voice.  Hawkins seemed to be attempting an apology.  Lo'Ami might figure out why later.  There seemed to be more important things than the near, or was it distant?, past to be of concern.  After being removed from the restraints, Lo'Ami floated around the room for a while, bumping into walls and desks while attempting to gain balance and a sense of the situation.  Getting used to zero-G was tough enough.  Accomodating to zero-G with amnesia and a post-surgical hangover was an even greater challenge.


By now, Lo'Ami's muscular coordination, vision, and wits had cleared up enough to let his Starfleet training come into play.  Yes, he was a Starfleet officer.  In fact, the room was filled with them.  Ensign Hawkins, and another - more disoriented - engineer whose name he couldn't quite place were in the room, as well as the ship's helmsman strapped down to a biobed.  There were also two more people there whom he couldn't recognize at all.  They weren't Starfleet either.  One, the man, was floating in an unconcious looking pose.  The second, a woman, was pinned down to the opposite wall, blood spurting out into the zero-G room; she was likely dead.  Both wore uniforms that looked vaguely like medical attire.  The surroundings vaguely resembled a sickbay - but not the sickbay on Arcadia.  


Meanwhile, Hawkins was plotting an escape from... wherever this was, mouthing off his plan at what seemed like lightning pace to the reorienting Lieutenant.  It was at this point that Lo'Ami realized that he was the ranking officer in the room.  Despite his condition, he tried to assess the situation as a commander would.  He determined their assets - four officers, one who seemed to be in good condition, two disoriented, and one unconcious - nowhere near enough power to successfully enact Hawkins' plan to go face to face with an enemy of unknown potential who had taken them to this place.  They had, however, a secured sickbay.  Lo'Ami surmised that they could gather as much information as possible without leaving the room and without attracting undue attention from the ships' crew.  Perhaps they could use the ships' computers to locate either Arcadia or others' in Arcadia's crew... or, at least they could know their enemy's strengths and weaknesses before an attack.  Lo'Ami set Hawkins and the second engineer, his name now being recalled as Jaruq, to the computers in sickbay.


As Lo'Ami reoriented, he couldn't help but feel that something nondescript was missing.  It was something he had known and gotten used to, that was now gone.  He did not yet know what it was.  All he knew was that he had somehow to lead his men out of this trap, despite the new emptiness that was inside of him.

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