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STSF Seiben

General Musings

Vel Satis sighed and turned off his terminal after talking to the Mysterious Figure. Why he had to hide in the dark in obscurity was beyond him. Hiding away like a troll under a bridge. He shook his head and opened his cabinet. Inside was his private stash of liquors. Most of it was from Earth, Romulus and other places known for their alcoholic beverages. All of it was very expensive and high end, but it was worth it. A man of his position certainly deserved the best. Reaching out, Vel Satis poured himself a glass of fine vintage Romulan Ale.


Walking to his Italian leather recliner, Vel Satis reclined and sipped the light blue liquid. He mulled over the past recent events. Especially that of the destruction of that Federation vessel which orbitted the planet. Nothing good will come out of this, he thought to himself. The destruction of a Federation vessel will only bring more trouble to this seedy planet and more importantly, his whole operation here. The man always one was to take things too seriously, he sighed and hope that this wouldn't blow up in their faces.


Perhaps Hardass is right, he thought to himself. More vessels should be patrolling the area on the look for their safety. Although, that would only appear more suspicious to Starfleet now that one of their ships are gone. Vel Satis gulped the rest of the Romulan ale down and made a note of it to talk that over with his right hand man Hardass whenever he could be bothered to talk to him about it. Putting his cup away, Vel Satis got up from his seat and returned to work...

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