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"Harsh Truth"


USS Agincourt NCC-81762

“Harsh Truth”

Written by: Ensign Aidan Driscol and Lt. Commander JoNs


After another long shift of trying to work out how to resequence Burne's DNA, Aidan was knackered. They had all their theories, now they had to make them work, and they weren't quite there yet. But now he had something different to do. He felt bad about his reaction towards Lieutenant Commander JoNs, but he felt responsible for the death of the Gareem and he tried to make up for it now. This didn't justify going behind people's backs though. So he was on his way to JoNs' quarters to apologise to her. Taking a deep breath and standing up straight he chimed.


"Enter!" JoNs put down the report padd she had been perusing; her work was beginning to follow her home and she was glad for the interruption.


Aidan entered the senior officer's quarters reluctantly. "Lieutenant Commander...", he stopped mid sentence and started to feel somewhat stupid. The doors swooshed closed behind him and he almost wished he hadn't come.


JoNs stood from her small desk, openly curious. "Go on Ensign..." Her tail swished idly.


"Oh no, please sir, I don't mean to cause any inconveniences. I just came to apologise. This time without feeling the need to punch something. I know I went too far but this whole thing...", again he wasn't able to finish his sentence. The young Ensign didn't want to admit to anybody, preferably not even himself, how deeply this whole matter had affected him.


The Caitian security chief suddenly looked weary. "Mister Driscol - Aidan - this "whole thing" is causing strife all over the place. We are not the only ones caught in the maelstrom so to speak."


Aidan nodded. "Yes, I still feel bad, I was in the wrong and you have every right to be mad at me, if not worse." All of a sudden, he didn't know if it was because he was so tired or if he had finally given up, but he felt how get got slightly choked up. He quickly looked down to the floor and cursed himself for another blunder.


An investigative eye read Driscol’s posture. "....you know Ensign, I think you are being too hard on yourself."


Still avoiding the Caitian's eyes he said, "Those two people died, because I didn't work hard enough. I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen again, and I wanted to at least save our crewman."


Oh Great Bird of the Galaxy - Kansas's stomach dropped about ten feet. "Mister Driscol...have you spoken with Chief Condacin lately?" She had no idea the sciences ensign had felt that strongly about his role in the quest for a cure.


Aidan raised an eyebrow as he noticed the woman's reluctance to go on. "No, I haven't had the chance. Why? What happened?"


For a few seconds, the Cait's gaze remained fixated on the embroidered Starfleet security patch on the leg of her black workout pants. Then, her green eyes latched onto Aidan. "I pulled back my earlier recommendation on the Soltan - to send them off in an escape pod. Due to the infection risk, I now recommend that the detainees be put down - please excuse the crude terminology.”


Upon hearing this Aidan's eyes widened. "NO!" He stopped and crossed the room to the Chief of Security and looked into her eyes pleadingly. "I mean, please, I'm sure we can do something for Burne." He closed his eyes and turned around feeling very frustrated. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Lieutenant Commander JoNs, we have to try, what if that had been you, or me, or a friend, one of the Colonels...", again he stopped mid sentence, he knew that if this had been him he would rather have died than being the reason to endanger the whole crew of this ship that had become his home.


"But it is not me, it is not you, and it is not a friend. It is Crewman Burne - and there is currently no working cure from sciences or medical, only a theory on re-altering. He was a member of my department, a good officer, and I didn't exactly come to the decision lightly." She remained half leaning on her desktop, arms crossed over her chest - a metaphorical stance of protection.


Aidan turned back to JoNs, sighed and shook his head. "I know, I know." At this moment he wasn't Ensign Aidan Driscol, and Starfleet protocol was a million miles away. "Trust me, I know, but this is my fault. I failed, it was my job to come up with a cure, and what did I do? Jack all. I can draw pretty pictures of the virus but I can't save a single life. Look, I've seen death before, but I've never been responsible for it."


"I wasn't responsible either Aidan, then I enlisted, and started my service. It is so cliché, but so true - this is a dangerous profession, and there are going to be casualties. Sometimes you cause them, and other times it is out of your control. And this Soltan situation works both sides it seems..."


"Lieutenant Commander, I could kill a man in a fair fight, my father is a marine and I had almost joined them too. But this is science, it is meant to help us save our men and women. Send me out in a fight and it's going to be kill or be killed and I can accept that. But these people had no chance. I'm sorry; I know I should be more professional. I'm a scientist. I don't know how it is for you, in security you're maybe more used to it." He shrugged and eyed a chair, he just felt exhausted.


JoNs astutely waved him to the chair. "Used to casualties? No....that doesn't quite happen. And they rarely have a choice in the matter as well. Our former security chief got nailed with shrapnel when the ship entered this sector - he's in stasis, the injuries need to be treated by a starbase...."


Thankfully, Aidan sat down. "I'm sorry. That must be hard. In all honesty, I understand your decision, it's the best for the ship. We shouldn't endanger the rest of the crew because I couldn't find a cure. I truly am sorry. I don't even know what I was thinking." Again he looked at the floor.


"Mister Driscol, how do I put this delicately? Don't make me cuff you one." A mischievous leer lightened the bold statement.


Aidan looked up startled. "Sir?"


“Ensign...the problem of finding a cure was not laid at your feet just so you could take the full burden. You really need to learn that now. We are all involved. Understand me?"


At this Aidan managed a smile, the first smile in forever. "Thank you. But don't be too sure you'd win a fight against me."


An ear flipped back playfully. "I would never be that cocky Driscol. If anything? This crew has shown me to always expect the unexpected."


Aidan got up and extended a hand to the Caitian woman. "Yes, we're all a special bunch, we happy few, we band of brothers. And I'm honoured to be part of this crew. Thank you Lieutenant Commander."


The shorter feline stood and clasped the hand in a soft furred paw. "You are welcome Ensign."

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