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Away Team Turmoil

By Commander Ridire and Dr. Matthews   



Aidan feels something cold and slimy settle in the pit of his stomach when Deb tells him that she will be the medical officer going on this away team mission.     He brushes off what Mr. Scherer says and hurries after her.   He catches up to her in the turbolift just as she says "Sickbay."  He knows he's about to set off a potential explosion and that he really should help himself.


       Debbie Matthews knew what was about to happen and she wasn't surprised in the least. She was determined to be on the away team searching for any missing members of the Cairo's crew. And she assumed Aidan would have a tough time swallowing that. By the expression on his face, she'd assumed correctly.


       He instructs the computer to ignore that command then has the turbolift proceed to the deck that the senior officer quarters are on.   "What are you doing?" demanded Debbie.


       Turning his attention to Deb he says, "I think we need to have a talk about you volunteering yourself, in private.   Because I'm not so sure that's a good idea."


       Debbie leaned against the side wall of the car and crossed her arms in front of her. "There really isn't anything to talk about," she said, her tone as serious as a heart attack. "I'm the best qualified medical officer for the job. And I'm going."


    He narrows his eyes as he says, "It occurs to me that since I'm the one in charge of this away team the final decision on who goes and who doesn't is up to me.   And that the others in your department are qualified and capable of handling an undercover mission and you know that, hell you're the one that trained them.   So you'll have to give me a better reason then that because I'd be entirely remiss in my duties in not recognizing that your presence may be a potential risk to this mission." 


       Debbie Matthews never flinched.   She did, however, push away from the wall and take a step toward the Reaent's XO. "I am the ONLY member of my staff qualified for this assignment," she retorted. "I wouldn't send anyone on this mission unless they knew exactly what they're going up against. And you heard the Captain. We aren't allowed to share that information." She shrugged her shoulders and frowned. "I'm the only one in medical who knows the whole story," she continued, her tone softening just a bit. "That makes me the only one qualified to go."


       With that, she briefly turned toward the front of the car but then quickly wheeled around to again face Aidan Ridire. "And if my presence becomes a risk to this mission," she said, struggling to maintain her composure. "Then somebody isn't concentrating on his job." Debbie paused for a moment then lowered her voice. "I refuse to believe you would allow that to happen."


    Aidan frowns at that then asks "What was it that Gracie said?  How she knew that we had become romantically involved?  I do recall you telling me that over dinner a few weeks ago.  If one of us gets injured or worse on this mission can the other make sure not to break cover?"


       "I certainly hope so," snapped Debbie as the lift doors swished open. She hurried into the corridor with Aidan right behind her. Neither of them spoke another word until they reached her quarters. As soon as she stepped inside, Debbie faced the XO, hands on her hips. "So who are you concerned about?" she asked heatedly. "You or me? Which one of us are you afraid will fall apart and break cover?"


    "Either one of us or both.  Do I think something will happen?  No.  Do I think that if something did happen that one of us would do so?  Again, no.  But this mission is more dangerous then most and I'd be remiss in my responsibilities as an officer if I didn't at least consider the possibilities.  And I'd be lying if I said if something happened to you wouldn't affect me."  He presses a finger to her lips and adds "You mean my life to me, my love."


       Debbie knew he was being honest about his feelings, perhaps more honest than she was. At the same time, she'd known from the beginning there would be occasions when they would have to put personal feelings aside. This was the first of those occasions but it probably wouldn't be the last. Perhaps it was best this 'crisis' arose now, before things went any further.


       "Please," whispered Debbie. "Please don't make this any more difficult than it already is." She turned and walked across the room, uncertain of exactly what she was feeling. More than anything else, she was confused and she had to find her way out of it....now.


       Debbie looked at Aidan, still standing by the door. She wasn't sure what he was feeling. Maybe he was just as confused as she was. "I know you love me," she said softly. "And I can look you in the eye and tell you quite truthfully that you are the love of my life."


       That was true, he was the love of her life. But he was more than that. He was a Starfleet officer, the XO of a Federation Starship. She knew that from the beginning and she'd worked hard to accept the risks his job brought into their relationship. But had he come to terms with who she was? Was he willing to accept the risks her position might bring to their relationship?


       "I know how you feel about me," she continued, forcing her voice not to quiver. "But I'm afraid you fell in love with the Chief Medical Officer of the USS Reaent. I understand you want to protect me. But that isn't possible....not all the time anyway." 


       Debbie shook her head and looked out the windows on the other side of the room. "We have to figure this out, Aidan. And we need to it now. You lead over half the away teams to leave this ship." She again looked at him. "Do you really expect me to recuse myself from any away team you lead? Is that fair?"  She didn't give him a chance to reply. "I don't think so," she said firmly. "And I don't think you should expect that from me."


    He watches her for a few minutes as he considers what she said.  Frowning slightly, he moves to place himself between her and the window.  He tips her head up and says "Since we started this relationship,  we have been on away teams together, as you'll recall.  I don't expect you to stop doing your job because of your involvement with me.  And I know full well who I fell in love with and who and what she is.  I just want to make sure that we both understand that we need to be careful that something doesn't happen that will blow our cover, whatever that turns out to be, for this mission."


    He sighs and shakes his head as he closes his eyes.  "I'm not even sure I should be the one leading this away team anyways.  I can feel all the buried anger over what happened to the Cairo...to Fiona just below the surface.  I tried telling the Captain that at the meeting but he wouldn't listen.  You of all people know where my emotions on that lie." 


       "We've been on away teams together, yes," said Debbie. "But not lately. As far as this one is concerned, the Captain is well aware of how you feel about the Cairo. He feels the same way. With you in charge, he knows there won't be one stone left unturned. That's why he's insisting you take the AT."


       She paused and met Aidan's gaze. "But even if you wiggle out of this one, I'm still going."


    "No I don't think he feels quite the same way.  He's angry yes...but the anger I feel is a whole different degree of anger.  There's a dark part of my soul that would like to pay back in kind to the instigators what they did to the Cairo..and to that colony.  And I need to keep that part under control..and I'm not sure I can."  He sighs and shakes his head sadly before turning to stare out at the stars. 


    After a few minutes he closes his eyes before saying "Computer, notify Petty Officer Shamor, Lieutenant Commander Smith, First Lieutenant Dent that they will be joining the away team."  He opens his eyes and stares at his reflection for a few seconds before adding "And also inform Doctor Matthews of the same."  He waits until the computer beeps to acknowledge it's understanding of the order before saying "I hope you understand the role you will be performing for me, Deb."


       Debbie stepped around in front of Aidan and rested her hand against his face. "I understand exactly what my role is," she replied in little more than a whisper. "I won't allow you to go off the deep end. And I hope you'll keep me in line as well. However, you're going to have to replace Mr. Smith."


       With that, Debbie steps past Aidan and walks toward the door of her quarters. "Right now, I'm on my way to Sickbay to chain him to one of the biobeds in the isolation unit."


       She called over her shoulder as she approached the door. "Let's meet for dinner. We have a lot more to talk about. Including your hair." She couldn't help grinning, grateful she had her back to Aidan. "We don't know who we're dealing with and that red hair of yours is a very striking characteristic. If one of the bad guys saw you at Starbase 345, they would surely remember that hair."


       Debbie Matthews didn't wait for Aidan to reply. She knew he would object to dying his hair.  She truely believed it was in everyone's best interest that he do so but she would fight that battle later....over dinner.


        She walked into the corridor forcing her thoughts off the Cairo and the upcoming mission and onto Lt. Commander Brian Smith whose escape from Sickbay and unauthorized appearance at the staff meeting had infuriated the CMO. As she stepped into the turbolift, Debbie couldn't help thinking that Brian had picked the wrong day to cross her.


    He sighs and reaches up to brush a stray lock of his hair from his eyes.  He mutters "I suppose she's right..."  He considers who to have replace Smith then says "Computer, notify Lieutenant Schawnsee that she will be on the away team."  After he says that he turns and steps through the door, intending to go to his quarters and get some rest before fixing dinner for the both of them.

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