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Events and Places Remembered

Kania is taken to the brig on DS9. The guards escort her into the cell and wait for her to enter. Once inside they activate the forcefeild. Kania turns around as she hears the field go up. "Do I get my bag of personal Items?"


"Once we check everything out in it and declare it safe and also not harmful to you, we will return it to you. We have to be sure that you do not have anything in here that will allow you to escape or that will aide in you committing suicide."


"I know what I did was wrong. I came peacefully. If I was planning on escaping or trying to Don't you think I would have done it already?" Kania's voice was not a pleasent sounding one at this time. She had to many opportunities on the Republic to escape. If She would have wanted to she could have been long gone. She knew what she had done was wrong and was going to take whatever punishment Star Fleet HQ was going to place on her. Even if it meant not being able to see her daughter again. Kania knew this was a possibility. She just wished she had prepared Schawana for it instead of acting as if nothing was wrong.


"We have our orders. Once this is cleared you may get it back. But not until then." The guards turned and left Kania standing there in the cell to think about what had transpired.


Kania sat down on the bench in the cell. She had seen the inside of one of these things a long long time ago. She began thinking back to when she was a child.


Cardassians guards had brought her, her mother and her father to a place simular to this. They left them in the cell together for a short time and then the guards came and took them once again. Three of them took her father and separated him from them. Three more took Kania and her mother into another room. This one had a glass window which showed into the room where her father was taken. Kania could see the guard force her father to sit in the chair.


The guards with Kania and her mother stood behind them making them stand in front of the window, looking into the other room. They were being forced to watch as

her father was questioned.


"Kawalas! Give us the information we desire and we will see about letting your family go," Gul Duchane said in a manipulating tone.


"I said I will die for my people before I give you anything." Kawalas replies.


Kania holds on to her mother in the adjacent room being forced to watch through a glass. Crying, she asks "Momma?? Why won't daddy tell them what they want? I don't want him to die."


"It's called morals darling. Someday you will understand. These cardasians want to take all of our people and make them slaves or put them all in prison camps. Your father has put a foil in their plans by keeping our people informed of what is going on," her mother whispered to her.


Back in the interrogation room, The Gul slams his fist on the table in front of Kawalas. "You WILL give us the information or you will have your wish and your family" ::: pointing to the glass ::: "will watch you die!!"


"I am not afraid of death Gul Duchane. Do what you want to me. My Family knows where I stand," Kawalas says back with calmness in his voice.


"I Will have you killed and your family will be made to watch, maybe they will then come to their senses and tell me what I want to know or I will kill each of them until there is nothing left of the Kawalas Clan. Even your daughter." Not getting any response from Kawalas Duchane slammed his fist down again and ordered his soldier to take him to the executioner and have his family taken and made to watch.A cardasian soldier then comes and picks Kawalas up by the shoulder and escorts him to the middle of the Providence, with Gul Duchane saying behind him.


The Guards behind Kania and her Mother took them both by the arms and moved them towards the doors. They fell in behind the guards and the Gul that walksed behind her father. As they got to the center of the Providence, Kania began struggling trying to get to her father as the guard holding her arm begand laughing and talking about another bajoran biting the dust for nothing. At this she realised what was going to happen.


"DADDY NOOOOOOO!!" Kania yelled at her father as they lead him up onto the platform.


"Hush Child !" a cardassian guard yelled as he held the struggling 6 yr. old child tightly by the upper arms. "Your father knows what he must do to save himself."


"Let me goooo!!! I want my Daddy!! Mommy make him let me go" the toddler cries and pleads as she looks over to her mother who only lowered her head as she was being restrained as well. Then to the cardassain holding her, "You are a meany !!! I want Daddy!! He didn't do anything wrong."


"You *WILL Be Quiet*, or I will silence you," the guard yelled again giving her a shake this time.


Kania looked up at her father as they led him up to the stand in the middle of the Providence. Normally this stand was used for joyous occasions such as the Kia visiting or for elections or debates. There were bunches and bunches of flowers surrounding the stand. So many that the base could not bee seen. They made it look like the stand was being held up by the flowers. The aroma in the air was so sweet with the fragrance of the flowers, it was almost nauseating. But today the stand would hold another purpose, one of horror for a little girl and her mother.


"Daddy .... Please don't go!!" the little one cries out again as her father was paraded to the top of the stand. At that time a hand was placed over her mouth to silence her.


"I said *be quite*" the one holding her grumbled.


Kania saw her father's mouth move as he looked at her. Kania and her mother were both to far away to be able to her his voice. It looked as if he was saying "I love you both. Kania take care of your mother. She needs you. Sorona ... be strong for Kania." as he completed mouthing the last word a guard come alone behind him and put a blind fold over his eyes. as the other one took his position awaiting his orders. At that point her father was given one last chance to speak.

"Kawalas .... Will you reveal to us who and where the underground are located?" Glu Duchane asks him sternly.


"I said no. I will die before I tell you." he replied.


"Guard! .... READY! ....... AIM! ............ Kawalas ..... you have had your chance. Now you will be the example for your people. ................... FIRE!!!!!!" Duchane yells.



Kania jumps as a Guard yells at her once again to get her attention to hand her her personal belongings.

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