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Mission Summary

Blu had Rian order Kania and ENs Billy of Sec, to take a second shuttle and locate and retreive the missing crew. Blu then went to the main dining hall and began the preparations for the Anual Holiday party. The remainder of the crew came straggling in as Blu was completeing her famous Meatball dish.


Kania and Billy found the crew and got them back almost safe and sound. Somehow Will had stepped wrong and twisted his ankle. When they returned to the ship Medical was there waiting for him. They took care of the issue and the team headed for the Main hall. Kania ordered Ens BIlly to go also. She was going to pass on the party this year. BuRox and her were not on the best of terms and she thought it best not to rock the boat so to say and show up at the party where she might not really be wanted.


Rian met up with the newest AMO. Dr Fiona Weber. Rian escorted her to the main dining hall and the feastivites. There Fiona met several of the crew members. and was shown the Yearly collection of Republic Action figures. She was also the first to taste the meatballs from the chaffing dish. This time the Borg message was a bit garbled and BluRox noted that this might be the last year for that joke. She would have to think of something new for next year.


David and his new wife are on their way back to the Republic but have been help up at DS9. The mission the the Republic is on and their whereabouts were not within a shuttles range of travle. They were told to hold up there until the Republic came back and picked them up.

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