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Mission Summary

On the USS Republic this evening, Will and Jax had found that apparently Holly had left the confines of the holodeck and left it open for folks to use again. They preceeded to get orders from the bridge to check it out. Upon entering Will called out to Holly. "Holly? Are you here?" hearing nothing he continued. "I hate Holly." After seeing nothing happen, he and Jax walked into the holodeck. There they found the setting to be a old fashioned one room school house with chalkboards covering one of the wall. On them where instructions to write sentances. "I am boring" At that time the holodeck was sealed again by Holly. By the end of the Sim Holly had gotten fed up with them and decidd to turn them loose once more. She opened the holodeck allowing them to exit. But with a note. Come back for Dinner on Thursady.


Blu called Rian into her readyroom. She needed to talk to someone about Kania and the way she had been acting lately. Rian was the only one that she knew had been talking to Kawalas. Hopfully she had some answers for her. Blu and Rian went in to the readyroom and spoke about What might be wrong with Kania. Blus thoughts were that she had started some sort of bad habit. Drinking, or even the use of drugs.

Rian figured she knew Kania better than that. She tryed to reassure Blu of her thinking that Kania was just over stressed do to the lack of a working relationship between Her and the Admiral.


Blu thought medical should run a complete set of tests on Kania just to be sure. They didnt need any more instances like the one with the poisonous duck, and The Cardassians. She gave the chore to Rian to complete. "Have medical do a complete battery of tests on Lt Cmdr Kawalas. Do every test imaginable. Do not leave anything unchecked. We need to get to the bottom of this."


Kania was having trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned for hours. She finally gave in and did what BLuRox had told her to do in the first place. GO to medical and gets something to help her sleep. She finally went to medical and discovered that Dr Huff was on temporary stay on her way to Vacation to Risa. After a bit of socializing, Huff scanned Kania. Not finding anything to far out of the ordinary Huff gave Kania a mild sedative to help her sleep. Kania has gone back to her quarters to give it a try. Hopefully she will be able to sleep and NOT have those devilish night mares again.

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