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Ens Frox

Some to listen to


Personal Log, Stardate 10304.09



I'm not sure I made such a great decision today.  In fact I'm a bit afraid of what Hawkins will say when I return to duty.  The Zeta Jones shuttle exploded and just about everyone on board has been working diligently on resolving the mystery... that is everyone except me.


It started out as quick trip to Sick Bay to square away my medical records transfer and take care of my incoming physical.  I had full intensions of meeting up with Hawkins in the cargo bay to decipher the wreckage.  But I was halted by a sinking gut feeling I got from Dr. Staci Howard.  I could tell she'd been drinking, but that wasn't it.  Sure enough, after repeating myself a few times, she finally broke and confided some, potentially damaging, personal information to me.


"When I stop drinking, I hear the voices," she sobbed.  "It was the Vogarts.  They put me in stassis and probed around my brain."


I began to fell a bit unstable.  "How can I help her, when I have this preconceived idea that the Vogarts were a kind race?" I thought to myself.  I knew then that my experience with the new crystal was only a small slice of what really happend there.  But the shakiness quickly disapated when it dawned on me that there was nothing I could really do to help her except listen.  The confidence returned, after all, this is what I do best!


I gave her my full attention, hanging on her every word.  I also offered her some suggestions which she seemed to appreciate.  I don't think the voices are a physical manifestation, but more of a responce to the trauma of her experience.  Either way, she seemed a bit more collected toward the end of our chat.


This really benefited both of us.  She needed someone to listen, and I needed someone to listen to.  I've found my niche onboard my new home.


:: A cozy, warm feeling washes over ::

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