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Conspiracy Theory

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It began as a routine duty shift.  Not much activity on the MeH, Dr. Garnoopy giving physicals, the HoD checking on her food (again). Then things began getting really odd, with one crewman in particular exhibiting some strange behavior.


I was called to the MRF for what I considered to be an unnecessary physical.  Although I had briefly left the runabout during the rescue mission I had beamed down to a warm cave, and never even needed cold weather gear.  Priority should have been given to those who had suffered from the cold weather on the planet, many of whom have not been examined yet.  This is an inefficient use of resources, but alone not cause for concern.


Just then I received a message from Rhoz, informing me of power fluctuations centered on the MRF and asking me to investigate. Odd that he would have known that, since he was not in the MRF or on the MeH at the time.  I informed him I would investigate after my physical.


About 5 minutes later Rhoz appeared in the MRF asking me if I had been able to check the biofilters in the transporter room yet. Immediately I was suspicious, as that was not what he asked me to do.  He claimed to be worried that Kbear brought a parasite on board.


Now I am really suspicious.  The only person to use the transporter in the last couple days was Garnoopy.  The rest of the hunting party, including Kbear, returned to the QoB in the Tyderium II.  I confronted Rhoz with this fact and he claimed to be... "misinformed".  


Misinformed?  He was there when it happened, so was I.  Vulcans are known for being logical, not intuitive, but logic and intuition are often two sides of the same coin.  An ancestor of Ambassador Spock said that when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however unlikely - must be the truth.  It is impossible for Kbear to have brought a parasite from the ice planet via the transporter as she did not use the transporter.  It is also impossible that Rhoz was "misinformed" of this as both he and I were there to witness it. What remains, which must be the truth, is that Rhoz is trying to hide the truth.


Rhoz would not hide the truth unless he had something to gain, or something to loose if the truth were discovered.  Rhoz used to be Chief Engineer, and being a Klingon on a Klingon ship may know some secrets.  However, the computer core itself is Starfleet.  From my Ops training at the Academy I know of the checks and balances that exist between Ops and Engineering, ensuring that no one person can take control of the ship.  I am certain Rhoz has at least one accomplice, and I suspect Narn.


The question is to what end?  What is to be gained?  For the moment I have no hard evidence, no motive, not even a crime.  All I have is a working theory that fits the facts.  I am also not free to air my concerns as I do not know who else may be in on the conspiracy.  I must tell the HoD about my concerns but for the moment she is unavailable.  


In the meantime I will investigate the matter for myself and gather what evidence I can.  The last time I was in this situation was when I uncovered some accounting irregularities at the Ferengi School of Business, compelling the investors to shut the campus down when I made these public.  That was an accounting scandal.  The threat of conspiracy on a starship is much more serious.  I must be cautious that I do not tip my hand too quickly.


It may be paranoia on my part.  I sincerely hope this is the case.  However, a paranoid Vulcan itself may be proof that something really is happening.

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