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Foreshadowing... A Quality Plot Device...

"Every consulate, every embassy, assign a Stella! A Stella can deliver diplomatic protests! A Stella can be emphatic! A Stella has the patience to repeat the facts with emphasis until they understand! And yet, how often are we called on? We were designed to perform a specific function! How often are we allowed to perform that function? Answer me that, Ambassador Joy Eight! Why do you not respect your own Law? We are reformers! We are teachers! We can make even stubborn perverse idiots see the light! This is a classic example, Starfleet run amok, not listening, doing as they please! Study the situation, Stella. Be ready to deliver a protest, Stella. Ha! But am I allowed to make them listen? That admiral reminds me of my husband! Remember Harcourt Fenton Mudd? That drunken, no good, dirty, perverted, good for nothing..."


"Shut up, Stella."


"Nothing... Thing... Thing..."

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