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LeftEar JoNs


7.21.06 (2397)

ISS Agincourt ICC-81762



Firebrand. I was called that many moons ago by the highly agitated Terran XO of the Thundercat. Right before she socked me across the mouth in a disciplinary action. But, I digress.


In the Caitian tongue, “phyreb’rrand” means “one who hunts in the night”. In the Terran language, the meaning is “one who causes unrest or strife”. Amusing how one word can have such differing meanings, yet you need to consider the sources. Perhaps both descriptions are accurate, at least in my case.


Serving as an officer in the Imperial Fleet has its benefits. I have had the opportunity to observe Terrans up close, learn how they handle themselves. I have developed my own “night hunter” skills and have become comfortable working in the shadows, for this is the only way for a lone Caitian to survive in this fleet of damned souls.


You can do your plotting and your planning. Desire that command of your own. Crave power. Wallow in your deceptions.


The hunters are out there. Waiting in the shadows. Observing. Alert for the correct moment to attack. Sleep is our ally and your downfall.


I am waiting. Observing. Watching. That shadow you saw, was it just a trick of the lighting or was it me on my patrol rounds, observing who it was that you just spoke to in conversation? Will you feel my claws shred into your skin. Will you feel my incisor fangs clamp down on your carotid artery, the warm blood oozing from your body?


Or perhaps something as mundane as a bypass of security coding, the implanting of sensitive information on your personal computer, information that you have no business having.


And yet, you may not be worthy of my time. But, perhaps you are…


The shadow moves. You are alone. The darkness envelopes you as the Reaper calls your name.


I am a predator by nature. The night shadows are always a constant, always a threat. And we are always hunting.


Lieutenant M.S. “Kansas” JoN’s

Chief Tactical – Assistant Security Officer

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