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Chief Helmsman's Log

For the past couple weeks I have been on an away mission, trying to restore stability to the crippled freighter.  


After my last log I piloted the Tyderium, with the XO and CSO aboard, to dock with the freighter.  We donned our spacesuits and made our way to the bridge.  There were bodies and bulkheads everywhere, and entire sections of the outter hull had been replaced by force fields.  This ship is a mess!  I'm actually amazed it made it this far.


On our way to the bridge we discovered the remnants of a firefight, mostly small arms phaser fire.  I hypothesized that the Mji government had operatives on board who tried to re-take the ship after it was hijacked.  Ridire sent a warning to the CO that those involved in the fight were probably on the Reaent at that moment.  Ridire also discovered Ferengi uniforms in a cargo bay, but there could be legitimate reasons for this.  For the time being, however, it remains a mystery.


Outside the main bridge we noticed an emergency bulkhead designed to protect the bridge crew from an incident like this.  Unfortunately it didn't protect everyone.  After Ridire and I removed the bulkhead we discovered a body in Mji uniform, probably a member of the bridge crew.


When we got to the bridge I assumed what I thought was the Helm station.  I confirmed that the emergency thrusters and reserve battery were functional, but depleted.  Without an engine there is no way this ship can generate enough power to bring it's navigation and propulsion systems on line, to say nothing of restoring stability.


I do have an idea on how to use the Reaent to do this, and one day I may be given the chance, but for the time being other facets of the ship's mission take priority.  The away team was recalled to the ship (with the Tyderium mysteriously "just appearing" in the landing bay).


Ensign Van Roy

Chief Helmsman

USS Reaent

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