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Search and R...? -- SD 10303.31

=/\= Personal Log of Lt. Arphazad Lo'Ami =/\=


Personal Log, Stardate 10303.31.  The investigation into the alleged kidnapping of Federation citizens for slavery on Miren VI has been put on hold. Marine commander Lt. Col. Dana Quest, tactical officer Major Ziggy Stardust, chief engineer Lt. Marlene Zukko, and former crewmember Lt. Cmdr. Samantha Riker, now of Starfleet intelligence, are missing, presumed dead after their shuttle mysteriously exploded shortly after an unauthorized takeoff from Arcadia.  All departments are scrambling to assemble a search and rescue team, although it looks unlikely that anyone will be left to rescue.


:: brief pause ::


Federation engineering is considered among the safest in the universe... Our shuttles have multiple redundant backup systems designed to prevent random accidents.  A highly unlikely series of events would have had to occur.  Considering the circumstances, our best starting assumption is that the explosion was the result of foul play.  But whose?


Sensors continue to track a ship maintaining its distance just at the edge of our sensor range.  While its intentions are unclear, it is likely that its presence is related to ours - to watch us? to interfere with us? to kill us?  Doubtless, the ship's crew wants it to be seen by us, although without the detail of closer sensor range.  It is too early to tell whether they were responsible for the shuttle disaster.


Either way, I intend to find out.


=/\= End Recording =/\=

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