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"Hii-Yah!" - Final Chapter

June 25, 2006 (2397)

USS Agincourt NCC-81762

“Hii Yah!” – Final Chapter


<<<<<<<<<< Marine Hand to Hand Combat >>>>>>>>>>

<<<<<<<<<< Level 18 V2.2>>>>>>>>>>

<<<<<<<<<< Combination Program – Illicit Drug Trafficking, Earth Farmhouse, Andorian >>>>>>>>>>


Kansas JoNs crouched low in the field of wheat stalks, her pale gold colored fur and the gold hue of her uniform top allowing a solid measure of concealment as she observed the distant farmhouse from the perimeter of the field.


The mission objective was to infiltrate the farmhouse and subdue the Andorian drug traffickers holed up inside by any means necessary. Now, what exactly an old Earth farmhouse, Andorians, and a cartel ring all had in common, Kansas did not know. Nor did she really want to know, but this was the premise of the holo program.


She wasted no time in getting started, using equipment, vehicles, large hay bales, and two cows (don’t ask) as cover to reach the house unnoticed; she timed her movements based on the circuit pattern of the two guards posted outside the house. After reaching the perimeter of the house unnoticed, she hid on the side of an equipment shed.


Guard Number One passed the shed and she quickly pounced, knocking him out with a backhanded chop to the neck and then dragging the body behind the structure. She moved behind another shed, zeroing in on Guard Number Two. She was similarly taken care of. The Caitian commandeered one disruptor pistol, and heaved the other one among a stand of trees.


Kansas entered the house quietly by a side door after picking the lock with a claw. The first room she swept with the borrowed disruptor; there was no one. Entering a second room, she spotted a shadow fall across the second open doorway; she melted back into the shadows cast by the open door that she had entered. A third Andorian, male, entered the room and walked past her as he entered the doorway. She leapt onto his back, her clawed feet dangling off the floor, and encircled her arms around his neck in a sleeper hold. Within seconds, his eyes rolled back in his head and his antennae drooped. She lowered the body the rest of the way to the floor and then dragged it behind a nearby recliner.


A fourth Andorian she encountered upstairs, with his head meeting the butt of her disruptor.


Kansas dropped to all fours, and prowled through the rest of the house in search of the remaining traffickers; she moved back downstairs. She really was not sure who found who first, but the two remaining Andorians were not happy with the intruder.


Andorian number five, another female, just up and charged at her, bowling the Caitian over. Kansas grappled with her, and then lost the stolen disruptor when they both crashed through a window (first floor, thank you Great Bird). Both women landed hard, scaring some chickens that were scratching in the dirt under the window.


The female Andorian tried to use her bigger size to her advantage, attempting to get on top of the smaller Caitian. Kansas just up and head butted her in the nose, knocking the blue skinned female out cold.


JoNs picked herself up off the ground, catching site of the final Andorian as he cleared a corner of the house. He fired a wild shot with his disruptor; with no outside cover immediately available, and staring down the barrel of a disruptor, Kansas quickly jumped back through the destroyed window, landing inside on the hard wood flooring.


She went low, scooting down to her left, out of site under the ledge of the third window. When the Andorian ran past the window, she leapt back up as he passed, bolting out the back door he himself had exited moments before, getting behind her adversary; they both began a deadly game of Cat and Andorian around the perimeter of the farm house.


The Caitian stayed on the move. She caught site of her adversary on the other side of the house when he passed an exposed section of another window; she doubled back and waited at a corner, taking a risk that he would not change direction and shoot her in the back.


The side view of a disruptor pistol held in a blue two handed grip suddenly appeared in her line of vision; the Andorian was preparing to sweep around the corner of the building, his weapon leading. She grabbed his arm in both paws, catching the Andorian off balance, and pulling him out from the cover of the building. She brought his wrist down across her knee and heard a solid snap. The disruptor fell from his nerveless fingers. He grabbed his broken wrist with his other hand and gasped with pain, backing away from the Caitian.


Kansas leapt at him, twisting around in mid air and connecting her foot to the side of the Andorians head with a roundhouse kick. He was unconscious before he hit the dirt. She landed in a crouch on the grass just past the crumpled drug trafficker, her tail lashing once in the air.


“Program conclusion reached.” The female monotone of the Agincourt’s computer system intoned, signaling the end of the exercise.


I made it. The programs are done!


Momentarily forgetting the accumulated pain of three weeks worth of bumps and bruises, the Caitian just leapt into the air, pumping a fist as a “mrowwl” of celebration echoed in the holodeck program.


After coming back down to Earth, holo-Earth that is, a fanged grin lit her features as she ordered, “Computer, end program and save progress. Arch.”


Lt. M’rrett Sh’aow “Kansas” JoN’s

Chief Tactical-Assistant Security Officer

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