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DS9 Shore Leave::Getting Acquainted:::

Subject: DS9 Shore Leave::Getting Acquainted:::

Date: Sun, Nov 15, 1998 11:11 PM

From: Lt Kawalas




Here is Part 1....DS9 Shore Leave....Getting Acquainted....


This Log is from the combined efforts of, Lt Kawalas,Ens Chioban, Ens TuvixB,and Lt JCAce.......


  Kania is sitting in Quark's having a meeting with cheif O'Brian about the supplies

needed for the ship.


           "O'Brian? Call me if you have any trouble with any of these supplies." Kania says to the chief.


"O'Brian> "Yes 'em that I will sir."


 Seeing J'Ddan walk into the establishment and waving at him, Kaina says "Thank you Chief O'Brein I have to go, let me know when the supplies are ready."


   O'Brian> "I will contact you sir."


 J'Ddan sees Kania and waves to her and looks around for an empty table for them to sit at.

     Kania gets up from the table with the chief and walks over to J'Ddan. " Hi Hon sorry Im late I had to finish up with that meeting." She sits down beside him and hugs him tightly.


   "Oh Kania, thats ok I didnt have to wait to long." as he leans over and kisses her.

" You want a drink ?"

  "Sure hon. How about a chech'tluth?" she asks.

 Looking shocked he replies" Are you Sure?"

       "No, You better make that a Warnog." She says reluctantly, remembering what a warnog did to her the last timeand guessing the it would be worse.

     J'Ddan waves a waitress over and orders One chech'tluth for himself and one warnog for Kania.

     "Ok Kania you have never wanted a chech'tluth before why were you thinking of getting one now.", looking concerned.


       "Well hon,? I had a nightmare last night. It was awlful.":noicably starts shaking.:::

   "Oh?::::as he takes her hand:::Tell me about it." he suggests.


    " Well I was away from you and our daughter for 15 months and she was calling the sitter Mommy. But that wasnt the bad part. When we were on our way home the Capt made a detour to help out a medical vessel that was having warp trouble and was needed at a Starbase where an epidemic had broken out. I started a mutiny to get back to you and Natasha. I held the Capt. at bay with a phaser:::looks up as waitress brings drinks::: I was so

scared when I woke up. I was shaking as I am now."she says in a shuddery voice.:::she holds his hand tightly::::


              "That does sound a scary Kania. So........we have both dreamed of a daughter and both dreams were of a violent nature."


        "What could it mean? Why the violence? Im not that type of person and I dont ever intend to be." she says worriedly.


        "I don't know Kania.........but I like the daughter part."


         " I like the daughter part to,but where would the violence be coming from?"


      "I'm not sure and I hope that part doesn't hold true......."


    "I hope not either.  I dont want to do that to our Capt. She is to nice."


      Smiling at her, " No..........that would not be a good idea........"he says with a giggle in his voice.

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