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STSF Precip


Personal Log

Lt Cdr Mitar Precip

CSEC USS Manticore



Precip continued to gather his belongings for his much needed Leave of Absence from

Manticore. The sounds of frantic construction and repairs could be heard as the

Engineering Teams tried to get the ship ready for its next mission. A mission Precip

was not inclined to particpate in at the moment.


Captain Sovak was generous to give Precip the leave he requested. He could of said

no...and insisted to help on repairs to Manticore's weapons systems. But it appeared

to Mitar that the Sovak was well aware of the other damage done to the ship's crew.

Damage to the ship and crew could be traced to the Late Consul General Jaffe.


Precip had to be greatful Jaffe had been ousted from office. In the line between

Starfleet Intelligence and Black Ops and been blurred to the point where he couldnt

decide where his missions were coming from. Questionable orders given to senior

officers such as Atragon and Sovak who had to carry them out undermined the crews

confidence in them; Atragon being relieved of command at one point. Federation ships

ordered to fire on one another..prime directives tossed away at will by the CG herself.


Precip Sighed. What a mess. But the clean up had begun. Jaffe was out. To what

fate she was to face Precip could not know...he doubted anyone outside tight circles

would be made aware of just what had transpired in the later half of her tenure

as CG. What bothered the Bolian was that Jaffe was not originally a person to wield

power recklessly in his mind. She had become another Melville in a way. Just another

Black Ops Senior officer gone bad. Mitar had to wonder..if her replacement would

do anybetter; it seemed to him the current post...with such wide ranging powers

bred corruption and mismanagement.


That last thought was the primary reason Precip needed time away. He wanted to step

back and see things sorted out in Starfleet's Black OP division and it relationship

with the Federation Council. He didnt want to see another officer fall into an inevitable

corruption holding the office of Consul General.


Precip looked at his belongings....all packed up. He was anxious to get on the next

Starfleet Transport to Bolarus...home. Home where he can think things out...where

he could see his family. Be at peace for a while. Have the beautiful scenary wash

out so many questions of conscious he had had the last several years on Manticore.


Precip secured his travel case and surveyed his quarters...everything seemed in

order...ready for his departure. Then he remembered his "project". He

walked to the wall and leaned his elbow agaisnt it sighing. After a few moments

Mitar walked over to his bed sliding the mattress off the base...which revealed

a hollow center occupied by a case about a meter long. He took the case, slid the

mattress back on its base. Settling down on the bed he opened the case revealing

his "project" of the last several months. It was a fine piece of work

combining design, functionality and technology all learned while serving on Manticore.


Precip felt the smoothness of the sniper rifle's flash suppressor. Admired the scope

he had constructed from an MPD and Phaser mark 4 conventional scope. It was a fine

weapon in combination with an uprated Personal CLoaking Device...a weapon to stop

corruption when he finally had to the chance to use it. Now he wouldn't need it..since

Jaffe was deposed. But corruption still lingered....for Mitar Precip's heart knew;

that much to his sadness...planning assasination was about as corrupt as one could

get. The Consul General was not the only one who had fallen in the world of Black



Precip closed the Weapon's case.


End Log.

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