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Col. C.E. Harper

USS Agincourt Simlog

July 4, 2397: The virus has incapacitated the CMO and several others. The rest of the medical staff races to find a cure, while the ship goes on general lockdown in an attempt to halt or at least slow the spread of the disease. A cure may be waiting on Travae, but further complications seem inevitable...


TBS: 17 hours


"With the primary sickbay quarantined, will need to route everything to secondary sickbay. I'd like to begin investigating this virus, see if I can come up with a solution to it, before we run out of time... or if..." -- Delphi


"I can assure you I am NOT infected. Doctor Levy showed symptoms almost immediately after touching the animals, and I have not touched them. If you're so concerned, pick up a tricorder and run a scan!"  -- Reen


"Lieutenant, the guests are still quarantined. Security patrols and marine patrols are coordinating and  checking the ship.  We also have teams stationed around the Sickbay deck, and above and below..." -- Rico


"Lieutenant, signal general quarters.  Only emergency A personnel are to be on duty.  The rest are to return to quarters, unless they are already on quarantined decks...then reassign them as needed.  Also, initiate general order 329.43...all personnel in non-quarantined areas must put on bio suits." -- Davies


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