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Waiting to help

Subject: Waiting to help

Date: Wed, Oct 7, 1998 12:04 AM

From: Lt Kawalas





Kania backed away from the canisters to allow the Doctors more room to work. She watched for a moment as they started they tests, then went over to a console near the security staion. She noticed that F'Brel was slouching has though he were asleep.

  " F'BREL!!!! " She called

  " Umm uh Yes Maam?" He answered with a jerk and a shock in his voice.

 "Are you asleep over there?"

"Uhm, No Maam."

  " Ok continue your watch please."  

 "Yes Maam."


She then sat down and started her daily report.

Comptuer open duty log Lt. Kania Kawalas

   Log open proceed.

Two container were transported up from the planet. One contains an organic subtance of some type and the other contains a piece of crystal from a ship that wrecked there. Initial scans of the crystal have been sent to Cmdr Marak as ordered.The stasis Chamber is in good working order and the canisters have been placed in high intensity containment feilds. This should hold any damageing particals eminating from them. Since most of the security staff

are montianing watch on the entrances of the isolation decks, F'Brel , Yemen, and myself are keeping a security watch on items transported from the planet. As for know F'Brel is on watch and Yemen is on a break and I am availible incase any of the doctors or science officers need help with anything.

 Computer end log Lt. Kawalas reporting


Kania then gets up and goes over to were Dr. Stewart is scanning the patient in the stasis unit.

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