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Waiting and Thinking

Subject: Waiting and Thinking

Date: Wed, Oct 7, 1998 12:02 AM

From: Lt Kawalas





Kania walked around checking all monitors and systems of the Isolation deck, to make sure that all where in effect. As she walked she heard some of the other Isolation deck staff say something about they had heard that the Captain should be back before much longer. Kania thought back to that morning when she gave the Captain the Catnip plant. She was scared to no end that the captain might not like it or as Dr. Herel

had told her She may be wareing it home again, especially when Zera said that It was her life. That didnt help matters at all. She hoped she could control the shaking enough that the Captain wouldnt notice and apparently she did. She Really felt uneasy when the Captain glared back at her after taking the plant and placeing it on the table next to her bed. She hoped the Captain didnt think it was somekind of practical joke or something, she didnt

think of that before , She just thought that the flowers were pretty and was just trying to be nice. A merchant she had gotten it from had told her that in the old days Catians used to use catnip for medical purposes.

 Then Kania thought of Zera. When she said she was just tired a few months ago She must have either not known or had just found out. Kania wondered why Z didnt want to confide in her as a freind unless she didnt know. She thought, "Oh well I guess that means that her and Eric are getting alone rather well.:::giggles:::I'm very happy for Zera," She knew that Zera would make a wonderful mother.

          Kania walked up to the stais chamber and peered in. It was hard to see through the mist but she could tell it was a young girl. She wondered what was wrong with her that they put her in Stasis. She looked to be in good health for the most part. Kania guessed that she would have to wait for Dr. Herel and Dr. Stewart to get back to find out what the trouble was.

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