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A small gleam of hope...

He had been over,and over his and Zafiras flight logs,and sensor logs fromt the last

mission to escort the shuttle and crew back to the Reaent,all it seemed to no avail.


He had gone to the officers lounge,and started to drink,thinking of his friends and

fellow pilot...and feeling generally heart sickend over their abrupt and viloent end..

however something was at the edge of his mind,his thoughts as they went back over

the events just prior to the shuttle apparently with all the crew aboard had been,as

it appeared to the eye...utterley destroyed,blown to atoms.


Something was nagging at his thoughts,..then it struck him.....he remembered the

data Zafira and he had been going over prior to the mission,and the sensor logs...

from their fighters after the mission.....it had been there,the answer,plain as day,but

had probably been overlooked,if he was right the crew of the shuttle may yet be alive

just an unwilling participant(s),in a clever ruse to spirit them away..concealed by the

explosion from the shuttle....he had suddenly remembered there were no life signs

aboard the shuttle,prior to the explosion,and right after his last comm with V'Roy.


He called Zafira ,and reported he was on his way to his office......hopefully with a

bit of good news for a change.......End Log:

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