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Fight or Flight

“Fight or Flight”

Stardate 0602.05

Lieutenant Tandaris Admiran



Tandaris didn’t like this at all. The sensor network was the first thing to go as the fighting began. Hundred ships, in the Expanse! Had they something to do with the mysterious disappearance of the Aquaran? The freighter had been destroyed in the firefight, along with any chance of discovering what had definitively happened, unless some evidence survived.


He didn’t know what was going on though. From his console in engineering, Tandaris could only monitor the sensor grid as it destabilised. The Morningstar’s computer, already overworked by trying to process the feed from the probes, was now called upon to fight against enemy ships as well. As the probes became casualties of enemy fire, Tandaris sighed and started to free up system resources and devote them to the battle effort.


It occurred to him that the Morningstar had yet to go somewhere without getting into a scrap or conflict of some sort. At least this time, however, Commander Corizon wasn’t aboard. So they couldn’t blame it on him. . . .

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