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"Linked Across the Stars"

Jan. 24, 2006 (2397)

USS Agincourt NCC-81762

“Linked Across the Stars


Captain M’Vess Vacer JoN’s of Tribe Honor Scar stalked onto the bridge, tail active, nodding politely at the Beta shift crewmembers as she headed toward her ready room. If any of them thought it odd to see the captain at this late hour, they said nothing. Most of them had gotten accustomed to M’Vess’ late night excursions. The door whooshed open upon her approach.


At her desk, she entered a series of commands into the console set into the table top. “Activate. JoN’s, M’Vess. Contact to M’rrett Sh’aow JoN’s, Agincourt, registry 81762. Personal subspace channel.”


“Working,” came the monotone female voice of the computer.


JoN’s settled back into her chair and waited, her eyes wandering to the double holo pictures on the desk. One showed M’Vess as a cadet, holding Sh’aow as a newborn. She had been named as the kittens Guardian, an honor she had been thrilled to accept. The second was an updated photo, taken about ten years ago. The younger JoN’s had just graduated from Fleet academy. M’Vess had been her sponsor.


A bleep sounded from the monitor screen. The captain read the text message appearing on the screen – “I am unavailable. Please leave a message. M. JoN’s.”


M’Vess could just contact the Agincourt directly, but knew exactly the message she would have received. Namely that Sh’aow was “unavailable”. It wasn’t unusual for the younger JoN’s to not be in contact every single day, but M’Vess just had a gut feeling that wouldn’t go away. She wouldn’t go so far as to say they had some sort of freaky telepathic link between the two, but there was something with a family link, definitely.


She rose from the chair and wandered over to the picture window, gazing out at the stars but not really seeing them. Her reflection showed in the window. Angular cat features, bright green eyes, light brown muzzle just starting to show some gray. A slight frown of worry colored her normally calm features.


The captain had pretty good idea of what her young cousin was up to. Mainly because, M’Vess herself had experienced those “here today, gone tomorrow” situations during her own security days. Of course, if Sh’aow even attempted to tell her what had really been going on, M’Vess would cut off the communication right there, hop into the captain’s shuttle, fly to the Agincourt, and knock the younger Cait into the next sector. The elder Caitain, as well as Starfleet training, had taught the younger Caitian better then to discuss sensitive internal information.


“Be safe, Sh’aow.” M’Vess directed her thought out toward the stars, hoping the blessing would keep her cousin safe.


Lt. M’rrett Sh’aow “Kansas” JoN’s

Chief Tactical Officer

Edited by Kansas_Jones

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