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The Joining

Subject: The Joining

Date: Fri, Oct 10, 1997 12:40 AM

From: LtnKitKat



--  Chapter 3  --

--  The Joining  --


   Savvik rested the tips of his fingers on her head, closed his eyes, slowed his breathing,  and effortlessly entered her mind. It felt familiar to him, almost welcoming; probably the result of having been there before.


   {{Are you sure you want this?}}

   {{Yes. More than anything,}} came the reply.


   He knew that if it wasn't her true desire, then this wouldn't work, but she had asked him to do it, so he would try.


   {{So be it. Let it be done as you have willed. The joining is complete; we are now of one mind. It begins.}}


   Savvik focused his power, drawing on his center of calm; the Heart of the Storm. He directed his energy to the task at hand, and slowly, the bond itself became visible, and then tangible.


   It was a breathtaking sight: a shaft of solid, silvery white light so intense that you could touch it, stretching up and down to infinity in both directions. Golden strands of glowing energy ran through it, heightening its beauty. Savvik had never seen anything like it.


   He moved closer to it, and was overtaken by a powerful sense of warm contentment, bathing him in a sweet essense of joy. For a moment, he faltered from his task, but then realized that these sensations were all defenses - put in place with the bond to keep someone like him from destroying it. He shook himself mentally, and brought his power forth. He allowed it to grow stronger, growing in magnitude to a point where he had to release it.

Suddenly, a ball of boiling rage; a seething body of pure frustration, ire, and hatred; shot toward the column of pure light, and began spiraling its length it as if looking for the best place to exert itself. It found the place, launching itself toward the bond at breakneck speed. The impact was like nothing he had ever witnessed.


   There was thunder without sound, and light without heat. The walls of chaos seemed to cave in as the bond was obliterated. Reality twisted and bent, time lost all meaning. The fragile strings of the universe were pulled apart and frayed. Their universe was coming to an end.


   And then, as quickly as it started, it stopped.


   The bond was gone, and everything was black. As Savvik's mind reeled in the stillness, trying to understand how he had just done what he had done, a glimmer of light caught his eye. He looked around, and saw two small, but brilliantly glowing, sparks of energy racing around the darkness. They seemed to be excited by being with each other, as if meeting for the first time. Savvik wondered where they'd come from, and how they could have survived

the destruction of the bond. And then it hit him - he knew what they were.


   A long time ago, when she and Savvik first met, Savvik entered Kit's mind to help ease her pain. When he left her mind, he had taken a bit of it with him, and had left a small piece of his. And now, when their minds joined again, the missing pieces had found each other. Watching them play gave him the same warm, innocent feeling of contentment that the bond had, invoking feelings that Savvik had never known. He felt, too, a great remorse for

destroying something as beautiful and pure as the bond had been.


   He began to bring them back to reality, pulling on the center of calm, dividing their minds into two, separating the sparks of energy once more. His breathing returned to normal, and his eyes opened at exactly the same time hers did. In the corner of their right eye, both had a single tear. Kit reached out and gently wiped Savvik's away with a thumb.


   "I had no idea it would be like that... you didn't have to do it," she said.

   "Yes I did," he replied

   "Why?" asked Kit, a strangely quizzical look on her face.


   Because I love you more than anything, he wanted to answer.


   "Because... I'm the only one who could," he quickly lied.

   "Oh," she said, as if it wasn't the answer she'd hoped for.


   There was an awkward moment of quiet, as if neither could find any important words to say. Savvik couldn't bring himself to make even a moment's contact with the eyes he'd always longed to gaze into.


   "Well, I guess I've got work to do," he said, breaking the silence, and quickly heading for the door.

   "Savvik...," Kit began

   "Not now, Kit," he replied gruffly, and exited at high warp, leaving her alone in her quarters.

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