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Ah, them good old days (P2)

Subject: Ah, them good old days (P2)

Date: Mon, Jul 21, 1997 6:43 PM

From: LtnKitKat




The lift doors opened and Kit gently laid Eiolas on the floor before approaching the command chair.  "Captain, Engineering is lost."


"All hands, abandon ship!"  

The sound of the Captain's voice coming so suddenly caused almost everyone to jump.

"Dangit!!" Flip continued beaming the Borg off.  Maybe he could save the ship...

A few minutes later, it came again.  "All hands abandon ship! Final Warning!"

Flip glanced around.  "Alright..get to the pods, everyone!"


Rocks heard the abandon ship call and quickly headed for a pod, scooting in as far as he could to make more room.


Kit picked up Eiolas once again and quickly carried him into the pod.  He was awake, and she smiled reassuringly at him.  "Man, you're heavy!"

He smiled back, but was soon out again.

A few more people entered before they departed and manuvered away from the ship.


A few more minutes went by, and then the Asimov blew.




The holodeck grid appeared and the cadets quickly got into line, watching their instructor, Commander Moose, as he stalked back and forth, waiting for them to be ready.  As soon as they were all at attention, he began.  

"I have been watching this group of cadets for awhile now, and I am pleased to announce an early graduation of a few of you."

He waited for a moment as the cadets murmured to each other.  "Three of you to be exact.  Would Cadets Rocks, T'Mara, and Montoya step forward please?"

The three astonished cadets glanced at their friends and then at each other as they stepped forward.

"You three have demonstrated the skills needed to make it as a Starfleet officer.  You are hearby officially graduated.  Starfleet will need a few weeks to post you, and until then you may remain on campus.  But for now, Admiral Sulu would like to speak to you.  Dismissed."

The three cadets nodded as one and filed out.  Moose smiled to himself.




Katherine T'Ral watched as the three lucky cadets left.  She didn't know Rocks or "Flip" (as he was called) very well, but Kit was one of her best friends.  They always had hung together over the last three years.  What would she do without her? Perhaps, if she graduated early as well, she could be assigned to the same ship.  Well, whatever happened, she sure hoped Kit would be in her future.




Rocks, Flip, and Kit stood staring out of Spacedock's window.  It had been two weeks since they had graduated, and the three had become close friends, though they never had been before that day in the simulator.  Now they were finally leaving Earth, setting out into space to do what all of them had dreamed of.  But it also meant that they were leaving Earth and their friends from the Academy behind.

They started as the comm came to life, announcing their departures.  The three hugged each other, then started in their seperate ways: Flip and Kit off to the Republic, which was somewhere out by a planet of names, and Rocks was off to Starbase Aegis.  All three hoped their paths would cross again in the future.

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