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Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

Personal Log: S.K. Sema’J

SD 10601.03

“Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”

(A Little Bit of Night Music)


<<this is a log I wrote a while back and never used, Tynte’s log reminded me of it and I thought this stage in between missions seemed an appropriate place for it>>




Sam Trudged into his quarters. the place was slightly messy, but something was missing, no, someone. Where was his little girl? At the same time he remembered she was in school, he realized that in the 80+ hour mission, he had lost all track of time. If the schedule was always going to be like this, his body would take about a week to adjust.


Usually Sam would expect a long nap coming on, but something was keeping him wide awake. Maybe the adrenaline from the on-edge nature of the mission was still in his system, he needed something to relax him. He went to the desk in the room and searched through a collection of isochips. After finding the one he wanted, and grabbing a heavy container from the closet, he walked into the corridor, and to the turbolift.


He stood there silent for a minute, his fatigue blocking his memory of the the ship’s layout. “Computer, what deck are the holodecks on?”

“The Holodecks are on deck eight”, it kindly replied.

“Deck eight.”


Sam stepped off the turbolift as the doors opened, and walked down the corridor to an unoccupied holodeck. He slid the chip into the data port and loaded the program. As he walked inside, he was in a music studio that was perfectly acoustically tuned. He looked around at the various things in it, a desk for composing, the beautiful string bass on its stand, and the electric one in its shadow. He eyed all the speakers positioned around and the console that controlled the flawless sound system. In the middle of the room was a gorgeous grand piano. He set his case down, sat at the bench, and played a short ditty. As the grossly out of tune sound hit his ears, he smiled. Sam then opened the case, took out his tools and spent the next hour or two gently and carefully tuning the instrument. After completing this relaxing task, and playing some lovely music, Sam packed up, returned to his quarters, and fell into a deep, long sleep.


His last thought as he lost consciousness was “What will Starfleet…or space rather…throw at me next?”





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