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Muon Quark

Muon Quark - Personal Log

Muon had heard Ethan's request to beam her to the shuttlebay instead of using the TLs. By the FCA, Muon was going to do that. Ethan was her XO and friend. It was the least she could do. She was surprised when the Admiral and the Captain came in and noted the look on Ethan's face. Quickly, Muon threw everyone out of main security that didn't need to be there.


There were no words of comfort that Muon could offer so... Muon just smiled and gave the order to energize. She watched sadly as Ethan and the rest of the security team were beamed to the shuttlebay. Ethan was heading to Vulcan to receive the help she needed. There was nothing more that Muon could do except... Quickly, Muon transported Ethan's ice skates onto the shuttle with a note.


"Wouldn't want you to get out of practice and fall on your butt. Muon."


That was all Muon could do for now.


Then the comm came in from the Captain to gather a team and meet him in the shuttlebay in 10 minutes. She told Ronin to gear up Alpha team and have them meet her there. Muon didn't know what was going on yet, but she was sure the Admiral had something to do with it since he had just gotten back from whereever. She gathered her own tactical gear while Ronin was calling Alpha team.


Heading to the shuttlebay with Ronin, she gave last minute instructions to him. V'Ran would be in charge until she got back. Ronin was to continue training and becoming familiar with the day to day operations of the station. Help out V'Ran and keep everyone safe. By the time they arrived in the shuttlebay, Muon was sure Ronin's head was spinning from all her instructions. She made a mental note to send a message to V'Ran while enroute to whereever. Placing a hand on Ronin's shoulder, Muon bid him farewell and boarded the shuttle. They were ready to go and awaited the Captain.......

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