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Family Feud

Dr Desdemona Levy

Chief Medical Officer

A Log by Levy – Family Feud


Mona sat in her office tapping her fingers on the desk. They were headed back to Earth, not something she was particularly looking forward to. Her parents were on Betazed visiting her grandmother and Toni was with them. Her other brother Nan was on Deep Space 5 working on his Borg research. Then there was Be, he happened to be on Earth at the present moment. She opened a communication channel to him and a few seconds later he appeared on the screen. He looked slightly uncomfortable, “Hello De” she smiled a bit “Hello Be”. There was a second or two of silence and then Benedick continued the conversation “so um, why are you calling me” Mona rolled her eyes slightly annoyed “I knew this was a bad idea. My ship is on the way to Earth, I thought you might like to know.” Another awkward paused ensued. “Did you want to get together, maybe? I mean if you have learned how to forgive, that is.” Mona was starting to get irritated “Why must you always put it like that?” “You turn into Min more and more everyday. I would have thought you would have forgiven me by now.” Mona glared at her brother on the screen, “I happen to think Min is an amazing person. And as to that other comment, I would have thought you would have felt some remorse. I mean it was you who practically forced me into that race. I lost years. But then again you never really cared after the fact” The two stared at each other for a bit longer. “This is pointless, you haven’t changed” Mona sneered. “Neither have you. I assume I will not be seeing much of you.” Benedick said with a shrug “Goodbye Desdemona” “Goodbye Benedick”

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best log ever period

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