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AENG's Perspnal Log

Computer, access personal log.

Begin recording.



I love terraforming!


The mere mention of it fills me with joy, and happieness being rattioned as it is, joy is a valuble commodity.


The creativity involved in the act of terraforming, the power, the sheer exhilaration of creating something, all of these factors come together in this unique endevour. Having a planet to sculpt and shape into a living, breathing planet... its amazing!


it seems that the weather is cooperating, but not all is well... we had a problem recently on board... Ensign Connor, has violated a place that is not even on the map and something is wrong, I can feel it. It cuts into my mind like a knife knowing that I have knowledge that might be forbidden. I wonder why evrything has to have a problem with it from the begining, I never get to enjoy the mission, I mean that although it is exhilarating, I feel that it interferes with the exploration... you know, when its not a spatial anomaly.


Oh, I cannot focus on the negative, I am going to observe and possibly even direct or maybe even assist with some terraforming... I cant wait!




End Log.

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