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Of Morningstar and Moonbeams

“Of Morningstar and Moonbeams”

Stardate 0508.14

Ensign Tandaris Admiran



Tandaris wandered Deck 7. “7B,” he muttered, glancing nervously down at the PADD with his quarters assignment while trying to find the barrack in question. “7B . . . 7B . . . ah-hah, here it is!” He entered the barrack. None of his room mates were present, so he made himself at home, choosing a bunk and storing his items below.


So this was the Morningstar. It looked like a fine ship. A bit crowded, perhaps, but state-of-the-art. Like the Excalibur, she would be an interesting place to serve as an engineer. Tandaris anticipated he had a lot to do. Not only had mothballing the Excalibur taken quite a bit of work, but he would need to familiarize himself with the Morningstar as well. It would take time.


“Best to get started early,” he decided. The real reason was less optimistic, however. The Romulans were at the front gates. They had a planet, they had nearly destroyed the Excalibur, and they were dangerous. Deep down, Tandaris wondered if Morningstar’s arrival here had not been more a coincidence than carefully planned foresight.


Eventually they would have another encounter. The Romulan situation would not go away, although Tandaris hoped a diplomatic overture could be found. However, if that did not happen . . . they would have to be ready.

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