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Cptn Elias Moore

Mission Briefing

NX-05 Challenger

Mission Briefing -- July 31, 2155


A week of shore leave has ended and the crew is heading back to Starbase McKinley, boarding Challenger, and preparing to disembark.


The previous six months have seen a great deal of change. Not only is the crew pondering what happens next with the Commodore MIA, but Starfleet has headed in a direction that seems strange to some. Despite the formation of an unprecedented alliance between the local alien races, Earth's fleet buildup has accelerated and shifted to a heavy emphasis on combat capability. Some Starfleet-imposed changes will directly impact the crew. Challenger has undergone moderate refits, new equipment and supplies have been loaded into the cargo bays, new general orders have been issued to several departments, and new personnel have been assigned.


Most curious of all are the orders that await the crew. An officers' meeting has been called for 0900 hours in Challenger's conference room.

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