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Personal Log - S.K. Sema'J

Personal Log – S.K. Sema’J

SD 0507.17


"Family Ordeal" (Both in and out of character)


OOC> Sorry I haven’t logged in a while…with lots of work and a recent family wedding things have been nuts! Here’s a little character-based excuse for being late last sim.




Sam had a late start to begin with. He looked at a chrono, and realized that he hadn’t turned on the alarm function on his bedroom console earlier that morning. These midnight shifts were the most difficult for him to rise for. In addition, despite his lengthening time on the ship, he was still a little shaky on the ships simulated rotational day/night schedule. He shook his head, looked at a chrono and realized he would have to rush to get ready. He got out of the chair he always sat in when he should have been sleeping, and began to head for the sonic shower. As he walked to his room, he heard a tiny, distressed noise in the other room. He quickly made his way into Rosie’s room and saw her huddled in the bed whimpering.


“Sweetheart, what’s the matter”


She looked up at him and he could tell from her puffed face that she was pretty sick. She weakly told him her stomach hurt. He knew it was more than that as he scooped her up and carried her to the small kitchen area of the quarters. She had been having problems with unprompted illness ever since she had lost her mother, and dispite his frustration, he carefully dealt with it. He got her some water and gave her a small hypo to relax her. After comforting her and helping her to get relaxed enough to get back to sleep, Sam rushed into the shower, threw on his uniform (hoping the senior staff would not chide him for sloppyness) and ran to the turbolift.


Sam fled to the bridge and lunged to his seat. His late start, constant lack of sleep, and frustration over the ordeal with Rosie left Sam open for disorientation and confusion; as he sat at his console he got a faceful of it.


When Sam had left his console to go on a rest shift, he had set the auto pilot to go to Elasia and they were nearly there. Then he had assigned midshipman to monitor the helm and had left. Now he sat in front of a screen that told him he was orbiting Dunlap…..WHAT? In his confusion he announced the ETA to Elasia, only to be embarrassingly corrected by a superior officer.


Sam finally got his wits about him and settled in for another “interesting” duty shift. Though he wasn’t always super busy as a helm officer, handling the controls of a Sovereign Class never ceased to thrill him.



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