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Never give up! Never surrender!


LOGWRITER: Ensign Connor

DATE: July 1st, 2155 (Canada Day! Whoo!)

LOCATION: AP2, Terran Orbit, Dim13


Well, here we are. Riding in Shuttlepod Two, on our way to- Sorry, Attack Pod Two, right. Riding in Attack Pod Two, to board the Defiant, blow it up or otherwise destroy it without damaging the timeline further, get out without getting killed, and run for our lives. Dammed Tholians. If I had any other choice, I would tell them that I was nobody's mercenary, but there's no chance of that... I'm just glad I've got my predecessor's gun with me. Kinda similar to the one I have back home, but about 30 pounds heavier, and many extra buttons. All I know is that the scattergun setting and sniper scope are still there, and for that, I'm glad. Gonna try to strip it way down before we get there. If I take off everything but the laser crystal, battery pack, scope, heat/radiation shielding and scatter nozzle, I could probably get it down to 15 lbs. or less After all, if I've gotta do this thing, I might as well do it in style, and with a weapon I can actually lift for more than a minute at a time.... Mirai used to tease me that all I cared about was being a spaceman, and that's why I played with my starships and 'stuff' all the time... *sigh* Mirai, if you could only see me now... You'd be proud...



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