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Time to think

Sydney began scanning the Klingon patients as per instructed, going along the row of beds to the far left, while Midshipman Xiu started on the far right, and Midshipman Baxter down the middle.


Quietly scanning gave her too much time to think. She was beginning to seriously wonder about herself, about how duplicitous she had become in the last forty-eight hours. First, she had willingly become involved in a relationship with Jamie, even though doing so could be detrimental to both their careers if discovered. Second, she had pretended to be shocked that Jamie had been sent off the ship as Captain Davies had told her about it, which felt the same as lying to him. Thirdly, there were the little white lies in this mission to the surface, such as when she had told the doctors “My science team and I are here to help in any way we can…”


Of course, she wanted to help anyone that she could, even if they were very large scary looking Klingons (one of which had just grabbed a hold of her braid, pulling her to where he could talk to her more easily). But, in reality, Syd would rather not be inside the building. Living on a starship was so cramped, recycled air seemed to stale to her, and she had seen trees out there when they had beamed down. Oh, how her heart sang out at the sight of the trees, and in turn she had swore she heard them calling out for her to climb them. Indeed, Sydney did not want to be in here, being smothered by a mask and gloves, running scans. She thought of what her grandmother would say in a situation like this.


“Get off your butt, get over it, and get out there. Those weeds aren’t going to pull themselves…”


Well, perhaps that was not the right quote.


“When you’re an adult you get to make your own decisions, yes. But sometimes you have to make the right choice, one that you don’t necessarily want to make.”


That’s the choice I have to make now, Sydney thought to herself, refraining from doing anything other than retrieving her braid and scanning the Klingon. Buckling down, she continued scanning Klingon after Klingon, ignoring the trees outside.


And look at the bright side, Syd, she thought to herself, you can’t smell the Klingons with this dippy mask on…

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