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Muon Quark

Muon Quark - Personal Log

Muon couldn't believe her ears. Centralist Party? They were going back to Cardassia, to the Centralist Party? Oy vey. Well, stranger things have happened. Not many but....


Muttering to herself in Ferengi, Muon quickly headed the GotLat back to Cardassia. Hopefully Ethan would be able to locate additional information on Ambassador Raumuk. They really needed to find him before their cover was blown. So Muon landed the ship at the nearest port to the Centralist Party. Once the ship had been shut down and secured, Ethan and Muon headed out into evening, under the cloak of darkness. They hadn't gone very far when all of a sudden Ethan insisted they head right back to the GotLat and take off ASAP. Immediately. Muon didn't ask questions.


While running back to the ship, Muon used her remote communicator to get the necessary clearance for departure. Punching a few buttons on another remote device, she was able to start the take-off sequence of the GotLat so they could launch immediately. Once onboard the ship, it was simply a matter of buckling in and bookin.


When they were on their way, Ethan directed her to quickly get the ship within comm range of Aegis so she could contact them. Then she told Muon why...... "Martial Law? That would mean....." Indeed it could mean Federation involvement in the Cardassian Government.... if it came to that.


While Ethan was speaking to Aegis, Muon looked up and received her first look at Aegis. "By the FCA, what happened? Ethan, did you see this?" Muon sputtered in shock. She should have known something had happened. The damage was extensive. Especially around Pylon 1.


They managed to dock the ship at Pylon 2 and then they both were off and running, Ethan to the CT and Muon to Main Security. When she arrived on the midway, it was chaos. GoldShirt and a team of guards were keeping the crowd that had gathered under control....barely. She quickly got an update on the situation and was heading to the CT when Ayers comm'd her.


"Commander Quark, locate Captain Nuranis and keep him at his present location. I will be there momentarily. Ayers out."


"Aye Sir." Muon replied.


"Computer." *beep*. "Locate Captain Nuranis."


Computer> Captain Nuranis is located in docking bay 2 by his ship.


+ANDREWS+ Quark to Andrews. Proceed immediately to docking bay 2 and detain Captain Nuranis there until Captain Ayers arrives. I'll be there shortly as well. Quark out."


As she headed to docking bay 2, Muon kept getting odd stares from passerbys. She couldn't figure out what was going on until she reached up to scratch her lobes and realized she still had the male ones attached. She would have to get to sickbay soon and have them removed. Dreading her first meeting with Ayers after returning from Cardassia, Muon hurried on her way to the docking area.

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