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5'2 vs. 7'4

5’2 vs. 7’4

Desdemona Levy, Medical Officer


Desdemona sat in the small back lab looking at the equipment she needed to put away. She thought back on the day. She had met a new face in sickbay. Mia was her name. She said she had been there for a wile, but Mona had never seen her before. Well they had only been out of port for a short time, so maybe that’s how she missed her. But that still was no excuse, she thought. When she introduced herself, Mona sensed the girl was uncomfortable and nervous. She didn’t know why, but she intended to get to find out. Then there was Dr. Shoeny. She shook her head and looked at the padd sitting on the table. He wanted to talk to her about the grass she had been looking at. Mid Richardson had had an allergic reaction and after some further investigation, Mona found that it was not a threat in any way. She had made sure everything was secure and would never put the ship in any danger, but Shoeny thought differently. He had started to reprimand her for reasons she felt had no merit. While he was talking she felt there were two options as to how to go about this situation. One- let her sound Betazoid mind prevail by staying calm, listening and then going about her business. Then there was the second option, the one that reminded her of punching her brother as a child. She decided to go with the first. She had listened to him and taken it for what is was worth and then moved on. Now she turned back to the padd she was holding. It had the information about Richardson’s grass. Mona looked over it one more time and then she closing her eyes she took a deep breath. She started to laugh. How her grandmother Min would have loved to see her resolve her issues with violence. Min was like most Betazeds; she felt everything could be solved by peaceful resolution. About 95% of the time Mona agreed, but she felt there were exceptions. Then she started to laugh harder. She got a mental picture of her 5’2 self trying to fight the 7’4 Minervan. She knew it would never happen, but it was kind of a funny thought.

Edited by mtporter

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